Italy 24 Press News

The Anti-Mafia Study Center was founded in Pavia in the name of Virginio Rognoni

MILAN. The “Virginio Rognoni Anti-Mafia Legislation Study Center” of Pavia was presented today at Palazzo Marino in Milan, which will officially open its doors in September, with the primary objective of offering an active contribution to the fight against mafia phenomena, also through research , training and regulatory evolution.

The project is the result of the collaboration between the Santa Caterina da Siena University College of Pavia and the Banca del Monte di Lombardia Foundation, who have chosen to dedicate the new center, a center of excellence for the study and analysis of the Anti-Mafia legislation, to the former minister and professor Virginio Rognoni, father of the 1982 Rognoni-La Torre law on mafia association, when he headed the Ministry of the Interior.

The center will work on three fronts: the historical one, that of dialogue with universities from all over the world, and that of research, with conferences, workshops and collaborations, to work in synergy on the fight against the mafias. “It is an initiative in which memory is combined with the scientific basis, where the latter is a priority for the work carried out by Rognoni”, explained Mario Cera, president of the Banca del Monte di Lombardia Foundation. The center aims to become a national and international point of reference for studying the actions of organized crime “which today apparently does not use violence, when sometimes just pronouncing a surname is enough to cause fear”, as explained by Rosario Pantaleo, president of the Anti-Mafia commission of the Municipality of Milan.

“The themes of culture and legality, of fighting the mafia – said the president of the Santa Caterina College, Enrica Chiappero – are part of our tradition, and the idea is to promote, especially among young people, a culture of legality and justice”. After over 14 years of university training dedicated to fighting the mafia, the university college “wants to become a place for discussion between professionals on our legislation”, explained the rector, the lawyer Giovanna Torre.

Virginio Rognoni was convinced that the fight against the mafia was not to be conducted “with the improvisation of emergency or facade reactions, but with the in-depth analysis of the phenomena, the search for dialogue and the culture of legality”, said Sonia Rognoni, professor and daughter of the former minister.

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