Italy 24 Press News

Friuli-Venezia Giulia focuses on hydrogen for the energy future

A strategic competitive advantage

Let’s build today what will be a strategic competitive advantage of tomorrow for our territory, said Fedriga, underlining the importance of investing in hydrogen. The event, organized in collaboration with AcegasApsAmga, highlighted how the Friuli Venezia Giulia is anticipating a crucial challenge for energy differentiation. The Hydrogen Hub of Trieste represents a concrete example of this commitment.

Far-sighted vision and energy autonomy

The governor of Friuli-Venezia Giulia reiterated that, although hydrogen is not yet competitive on the market due to high costs, research and infrastructure development will make this energy source accessible. We have the foresight to look to the future, said Fedriga. Another critical point is the need to achieve energy autonomy, reducing dependence on regimes that could use energy as a blackmail tool.

The North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley

Councilor Rosolen presented the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valleyan EU flagship project involving Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Slovenia and Croatia. This project represents an important accelerator of the energy transition process, with financing exceeding 70 million euros coming from Pnrr, European funds and regional allocations. The region will launch a tender with 20 million euros to support research infrastructures in collaboration with companies.

Investments in research and training

Rosolen underlined the importance of investing in training to create new professional profiles and retrain workers involved in decarbonisation processes. The regional program European Social Fund+ it will support lifelong learning paths in the hydrogen sector, promoting the updating of skills and job mobility.

The FVGreen law and the regional energy plan

Councilor Scoccimarro recalled the region’s objective of achieving climate and energy neutrality by 2045, five years before the European objective. The Regional Energy Plan and the law FVGreen they are fundamental tools for promoting ecological transition and sustainability. The FVGreen law regulates various strategies for sustainable development and adaptation to climate change.

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