Italy 24 Press News

Udine, the Piazza Garibaldi project changes: some parking remains

The project for Piazza Garibaldi in Udine changes. Which will indeed be pedestrianized to “give back to the people of Udine a new social space by securing access to the Manzoni school”, but it may not lose all 54 car parks currently present.

The Municipality is in fact considering creating a rest area on the external side of the square and on the surrounding streets designed especially for parents of children who attend the Manzoni middle school.

Mayor Alberto Felice De Toni asked for further information in this direction and thus mediated between those in the council who believe it is necessary to preserve as many parking spaces as possible and those who instead put the protection of students and the valorisation of the square before considering the parking offer in the centre.

The mayor is thus convinced that he can find a meeting point between all needs: students, professors, tourists and residents on the one hand, traders and motorists on the other.

«I asked to carry out an evaluation to understand how and where we can guarantee a rest area that is available to parents during the time of entry and exit from the school to accompany their children safely – explains De Toni -. The solution could be up and down, but before deciding, let’s wait to see all the alternatives.”

It is not excluded that new stalls could also be created in Largo Ospedale Vecchio by redesigning the parking spaces.

«We will also carry out an evaluation in all the neighboring areas», confirms the councilor for Roads and Public Works Ivano Marchiol. The administration’s intention remains to start testing with tactical furnishings in September.

«In this way we will be able to test different options and once we have found the one best suited to the real needs we will replace the tactical furnishings with a permanent setup», adds Marchiol.

As far as parking is concerned, the Municipality is also working on other fronts with the aim of increasing the number of spaces in the short term.

On the one hand, councilor Marchiol asked the offices to verify the feasibility of the operation which envisages creating a car park with 40-50 blue stalls inside the former fire station in Piazzale Unità d’Italia and from another is awaiting the green light to make the parking lot in via Asquini available to the community, for a fee, which is now reserved for users of the Visionario cinema.

The idea, shared by the Municipality, SSM and CEC, is being examined by the respective offices who are evaluating what could be the most suitable legal formula to allow the transformation which would guarantee around fifty parking spaces.

Another ongoing negotiation is the one with the company that owns the underground car park next to the Coop with around 260 spaces between Viale Bassi and Viale Leonardo da Vinci and which has never been used until now. “The objective – underlines De Toni – is to make the city more accessible and usable and the strengthening of local public transport which has recently seen the debut of the new line 12 also goes in this direction”.

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