Italy 24 Press News

“Bisoli? I would have liked to have had him as my coach”

In his career around the country he also found, at various times, the time to wear the Modena shirt 125 times. And for someone like Riccardo Nardini, who has unquestionably yellow-blue blood in his veins, it was no small feat. He answered us from his Fiumalbo, and even in the Apennines football continues to be an incurable syndrome.

Nardini, don’t tell us you’re still playing…

“Not on the big pitch, come on. Only five-a-side football. Then if the boys from Fiumalbo want to make the third category, I’m ready for the bench…”.

Former footballer or yellow fan. Today, what is the definition you like best?

“Great fan. And then in my heart there is always the honor of having had the privilege of wearing the Modena shirt.”

There is always that story from 2001, when at the end of the promotion match in Serie B against Lecco, which you saw from the corner as a fan, during the festive invasion of the pitch the crossbar of one of Braglia’s goals disappeared. History or legend?

“Okay, let’s say that that crossbar is in Fiumalbo somewhere… Of course it would be nice to take another one away, it would mean that there is something big to celebrate. But this time my friends and I would ask permission first. ..”.

Let’s go to today. Do you like Bisoli on the bench?

“He is one of those coaches that I would have liked to have had in my long career. I know him, he is a mountain man like me, and his mentality is similar to mine. In his career as a coach he has won a lot and above all he has helped many players grow. they say that the market has asked for good men… if I were a few years younger I would propose immediately…”. Catellani?

“We have met many times as adversaries, an exceptional boy who I am sure will do very well in his new role. The ownership choice was courageous but up to a certain point, because in the world of football at a management level, even if in the youth sectors , he did well right away. And I believe that Bisoli, with his experience, is an ideal partner for him.”

As a fan, what would you ask the owners?

“First of all, I say that for Modena there couldn’t be a better situation than having the Rivetti family at the helm. I agree with both the construction of a sports center and the creation of a guesthouse for young people. It’s obvious that those who support Modena, like me, sees almost exclusively the team aspect and would like to win immediately. I believe that we need to be patient and give the right amount of time, structures and planning are the basis of everything and the results will certainly come.”

What championship will be next?

“It will be an even tougher and more difficult Serie B than last year, but we are in mid-June and I won’t make any predictions.”

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