Italy 24 Press News

Double Sunday appointment today for Asti Teatro 46. “The blue bride” reinterprets, with puppets and performers, classics of world literature

Continues AstiTeatroit historic national and international theater festival, now in its forty-sixth edition, organized by the Municipality of Asti.

Double Sunday appointment today: at 7.30 pm at the Kor Space “The Blue Bride”, regional premiere show with conception, writing and direction by Silvia Battaglio; interpretation and scenic composition Silvia Battaglio and Amina Amici. Replaces the expected “On the Other Side”also by Battaglio, which will not be staged due to the indisposition of an interpreter.

The Blue Bride

A project by and with Silvia Battaglio, scene writing freely inspired by Bluebeard (Charles
Perrault), literary suggestions William Shakespeare, Georgi Gospodinov, Antonio Ferrara, Fratelli Grimm, musical suggestions Bach, Fazil Say, Alva Noto, Louis Ferrari, lyrics, voice and sound processing Silvia Battaglio, lighting design Tommaso Contu, Zerogrammi production in collaboration with Biancateatro , co-production Institute for Puppetry Heritage and Popular Theatre, INCANTI Festival, Officine CAOS/Residenza Arte Transitiva

Since the fairy tale, like the myth, is almost always a place of genuine encounter between opposing and contrary forces, it can be a literary vehicle for elaborating particularly current topics on a theatrical level, raising public awareness across issues that concern us closely. Freely inspired by the fairy tale of Bluebeard, The Blue Bride is a stage writing for performers and puppets built on a composite and multidisciplinary dramaturgy that draws from dance, physical and figure theatre, in which the construction of the story underlies experimentation. Through the scenic interaction with three singular puppets from the 1940s belonging to the historic Toselli collection and kept at the Institute for Puppetry Heritage and the Popular Theatre, the work intends to explore the archetypes and contents of the fairy tale, opening a possible perspective on the present . The show is built around the figure of Bluebeard’s wife who – not conforming to the classic feminine fairy tales and not conforming to the dictates of her husband – opts for a sort of ‘legitimate defense’ and opposes the violent fate that her husband would like to deliver to her. You can only open the doors of the rooms that I say, these are the words that Bluebeard repeats, setting the emotional relationship in the name of possession, fear and control: it is therefore in the refusal of this blackmail that the Blue bride decides to open the door secret, beyond which he discovers the hidden bodies of the previous puppet-brides who, coming back to life, slip into a ‘story’ suspended between fairy tale and reality, where the element of transgression takes on the value of a salvific redemption. By opening that secret door which will in fact lead her to knowledge and to changing the plot of her ‘destiny’, the Blue bride begins a process of ‘suspension of the irrevocable’, freeing herself from an existence built on possession, deception and check. In her delicate path of redemption and transformation, the Blue bride aspires to search for the light that lives in the arcane places of darkness and – embodying the desire not to let herself be manipulated and subjugated by violence – crosses the vast abyss of power, metaphorically represented by Bluebeard , to resurface and talk to us about love and liberation, to reveal the unknown beyond appearance, in discovering ourselves beyond gender stereotypes.

At 10pm, “The Mummy Technique – Public Defender” will be staged in the Michelerio Courtyard, a show that won the 2023 Scintille Prize

Adaptation Marcello Spinetta, Christian di Filippo with Marcello Spinetta, Christian di Filippo; directed by Marcello Spinetta, Christian di Filippo. An AMAranta Indoors production, AMA Factory

In a cell, a few hours before the trial that will definitively condemn him, Fowle is detained, a man guilty of having murdered his young partner, who is assigned by the judicial authority – by law – a public defender, Mr. Morgenhall .

The latter is a lawyer of limited success, who, despite having dedicated himself with commitment to the studies of judicial matters, has never been assigned a case. However, one day Morgenhall manages to obtain this case of feminicide, thanks to a series of favorable circumstances. Fowle’s defense will therefore be an opportunity to be able to give a turning point (and meaning) to his work which, as he himself admits, he has always loved and honored even in the darkest moments. Defending this accused, however, presents many obstacles and difficulties…

Side events

The Toy Square

until 29 June from 6pm to 11pm (Thursday and Sunday from 8pm to 11pm)

Pedestrian area Piazza Alfieri

By Microcirco®

In the heart of the city of Asti, the exclusive games of the Microcirco® for “La Piazza dei Balocchi”: pedal horses, historical carousel, jar shooting, a large wooden horse and other games that today go against the grain. An area dedicated to children’s play and families, where parents can encourage and appreciate learning combined with the pleasure of playing or simply look at their child with new eyes. Info: Carla 333 2707142.


until June 29th from 4pm to 6.30pm foyer Spazio Kor – Free entry

Photographic exhibition on the topic of eating disorders curated by Sara Castiglioni

A reflection not so much on the suffering of the body, but rather on the anguish over food, which becomes an obsessive thought, invading the mind and every area of ​​life. The treatment process is long and complex, but it does heal. After a traumatic and profound experience, such as going through an eating disorder, it is not possible to make a point: it is in fact necessary to carry with you the teachings of the experience you have lived. And not even a simple comma, because with the

healing begins a new chapter.

And then: semicolon.

June 25th at 6pm foyer Spazio Kor – Free entry

Eating disorders conference linked to the Punto e comma exhibition and the show Full as an egg.

Speakers will include Daniela Atzeni and Arianna Carboni, psychologists from Jonas Monza Brianza Onlus, the Caterpillar Company and the photographer Sara Castiglioni

Osteria del Gat Rustì

The Rione San Paolo Palio Committee returns on the occasion of Asti Teatro with the traditional opening of the Vineria del Gat Rustì. The long-awaited event, strongly rooted in the city’s tradition, will take place this year from 14 to 29 June in the charming venues of Via Bonzanigo.

Each evening will offer a different menu, accompanied by a tasty selection of bruschetta, delicacies and homemade desserts. The authentic flavors and warm welcome will make the Vineria del Gat Rustì an unmissable stop for lovers of good food and ancient Asti traditions.


Tickets: 12 euros; 10 euros reduced for over 65s, Spazio Kor, Biblioteca Astense, Trenitalia, FAI and Museum Pass members; 5 euro reduced for operators and Under 25s. With the exception of the shows The mummy technique, A little gossip, Sorry if I’m writing to you, I am invisible, Everyone is fine but not very well, Full as an egg: 10 euros, 5 euros reduced exclusively for operators and Under 25. Subscription to 5 shows (choice of all): 40 euros “Beyond the curtain” theatrical visits to the Alfieri Theater (not subject to subscription): 10 euros, 5 euros reduced exclusively for operators and Under 25s (max 30 spectators).

Flux: single ticket 5 euros (non-subscription)

Info and reservations 0141.399057 – 0141.399040. , , ,

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