Italy 24 Press News

Pesaro weather, the forecast for tomorrow Monday 17 June

The weather forecast in Pesaro for Monday 17 June indicate stable and sunny conditions for the entire day. There cloud cover it will be minimal, with clear skies or few clouds that will characterize the sky of the Marche city.

During the morning, starting from the early hours of the day, the sky will be clear with a light presence of clouds. Temperatures will remain around +20°C until it gradually rises until it exceeds the +24°C towards the central hours of the day. There wind speed will be between i 7km/h hey 9km/hcoming mainly from the North – North East direction.

In the afternoon, the sky will remain clear with a light presence of scattered clouds. Maximum temperatures will be around +25°Cwhile the wind speed will increase slightly, reaching i 12km/h coming from the East – South East.

In eveningthe weather conditions will continue to be stable, with clear skies and a light breeze coming from the South – South East. Temperatures will remain pleasant, around +21°C.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Pesaro for Monday 17 June they predict a day characterized by good weather conditions, with clear skies and pleasant temperatures. The weather conditions remain stable for the next few days too, with clear skies and slightly rising temperatures.

All weather data for Monday 17 June in Pesaro

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