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Bologna transfer market – Holm, Dossena, Pavlidis, Tessman: today’s recap

The whirlwind continues transfer marketwhich also included the Bologna. The Rossoblù continue to work, between renewals and searches, always on the “hottest” roles, as confirmed in recent days. Emil Holm is the new name for the band, are the alternatives up front fading away?

Bologna transfer market, Emil Holm new name for the wing

Yesterday evening a new “hot” name emerged for Bologna’s right wing in this transfer market session: Emil Holm. The winger owned by Spezia was not redeemed by Atalanta, and therefore became a huge opportunity on the transfer market. The Ligurians will certainly not keep the player who has just won the Europa League, and Bologna has opened contacts for a negotiation. The valuation is around 12 million euros.

Another name on which the Rossoblù have never given up is that of Alberto Dossena. The Cagliari defender has already been “specially observed” by the Bologna management, who has opened channels with Giulini’s club to try to bring the young central defender under the Two Towers.

Bologna: Pavlidis towards Benfica, Tessmann in Inter orbit

If the operations to strengthen the defensive package seem – at least in the managers’ ideas – to be taking a good turn, those for the advanced package seem less so. The main objective, most likely, is blurred: Vangelis Pavlidis seems to be going in the direction of Portugal, more precisely Benfica. We had told of a pre-agreement between the Portuguese and the attacker, who seems intent on accepting the transfer. Bologna, therefore, is already looking beyond the Greek, with alternatives certainly not lacking.

Another player observed by the Rossoblù is Tanner Tessmann. The American, however, seems to have entered Inter’s approval list. The Nerazzurri would like to buy the midfielder, and then leave him on loan to Venezia for another season. Bologna, however, after observing him closely, does not let go: economic offer and centrality in the project could be the key.

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