Italy 24 Press News

Battling in the Chamber, Meloni speaks of “provocation” of the opposition, which arises. Pd: “The institutions are offended”. M5S: “Prime Primer complicit and shameful”

The majority does not do any more harakiri. Don’t fall for the “provocations” of the opposition. Which will “increase”. So does the prime minister Giorgia Meloni in a passage of the final conference of the G7 in Borgo Egnazia, he returns to the attack on the Five Star Movement Donno in the Chamber during the discussion of the bill on autonomy.

Argument over reforms: parliamentary violence

by Carmelo Lopapa

June 14, 2024

Don’t react to provocations. The line is the one announced by the president of the Senate Ignazio La Russa and reiterated by the FdI group leader Thomas Foti immediately after the riots in the Chamber. The opposition that arises is not there. The Democratic Party attacks: for Meloni “the tricolor is a provocation”. The 5 stars they define the prime minister as “accomplice” to what happened and “shameful”. “We will wave it louder on Tuesday,” declared the president of the Movement Giuseppe Conte in reference to the demonstration against government reforms on 18 June. To which also the Anpi announces membership.

Argument over reforms in the Chamber. 11 deputies suspended, it’s a clash. The opposition: united in the streets

by Matteo Pucciarelli and Giovanna Vitale

June 14, 2024

Meloni: “It’s serious that the majority falls into provocations”

“I find it very serious that there are members of the majority who fall for provocations, I predict that it will increase.” Thus the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in the final conference of the G7, asked about the brawls in Parliament in recent days, underlining that “not even this managed to ruin the excellent success of this summit”.

Brawl in the Chamber, Crippa: “Donno is in a circus. Singing Bella Ciao is worse than the Decima gesture”

Braga (Pd): “For Meloni the tricolor is a provocation”

“For Meloni the tricolor is a provocation. He pretends not to see who he first provoked and then attacked. They are those of his majority, those of the “present” and the “tenth”. Please apologize for those violent men who offended the institutions before the eyes of the world”. You wrote it on X Chiara Braga, leader of the Democratic Party in the Chamber of Deputies.

Brawl in the Chamber, Donno accuses: “I also received kicks, I was scared”

Conte: “On Tuesday we will wave the flag of the strongest Italy”

“On Tuesday we will wave the tricolor all together in Rome. If for Meloni and his associates the Italian flag is a provocation then we will wave it louder”. The leader of the M5s Giuseppe Conte wrote it on social media.

Donno (M5s): “The Prime Minister is an accomplice”

“A Prime Minister who does not condemn the violence used by her deputies is complicit in what happened and proves not to be up to the role she holds. Talking about ‘provocation’ in the face of what was before everyone’s eyes a ‘ aggression’ is very serious. The lack of respect for Italy comes from you, who uses your role only to echo the words and aggression of your team, they have thrown away the mask, and it is because they that a climate of hatred is returning to our country, and that the risk of emulation is increasing. Meloni’s words today are unacceptable and represent yet another disgrace even on an international level. On Tuesday we will be in the streets with the tricolor flags a provocation, it’s called defense of democracy.” Thus in a note the M5S deputy Leonardo Donno.

Silvestri (M5s), Meloni shameful

“The statement by Prime Minister Meloni in her final press conference of the G7 is embarrassing and shameful”, says the M5s group leader in the Chamber, Francesco Silvestri, observing that “talking about ‘provocations by the opposition’ and their ‘lack of respect for the institutions ‘Meloni demonstrates a complicity which, yes, debases our institutions and offends democracy. – he concludes – proves that he is not capable of leading the country”.

Montaruli, M5s wave the tricolor in the right direction

“The scathing judgment of the Italians on their way of understanding politics, all centered on the delegitimization of the opponent, was evidently not enough for the Conte-Donno Grillina couple. To Conte who promises to wave the tricolor, decades after us, we suggest do it according to the correct succession of the colors of our flag, unlike what happened in the Chamber, where many opposition deputies seem more fans of Hungary than of Italy, given that they were displaying it backwards”. This was stated by the deputy group leader of the Brothers of Italy in the Chamber, Augusta Montaruli.

The Anpi joins the opposition demonstrations

The Anpi will also participate in the demonstration on 18 June “against the climate of intimidation in Parliament and against the attempt to force the hand to approve the bills on differentiated autonomy and premiership”. This was announced by the partisan association itself, explaining that “the violent attack that took place on 13 June in the Chamber by some far-right parliamentarians against the Honorable Leonardo Donno is the straw that breaks the camel’s back”.

Battling in the Chamber, nervous breakdowns on the right. FI Revolt on Autonomy. And FdI accuses the League of sabotaging the government

by Lorenzo De Cicco and Antonio Fraschilla

June 14, 2024

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