Italy 24 Press News

Towards the feast of Saint Anthony: the fishing boats of the Anzio flotilla are blessed by Father Paolo

Suggestive ceremony this morning at the port of Anzio where the parish priest of the parish of Saints Pio and Anthony, Father Paolo Cirina, blessed all the fishing boats of the Anziate flotilla. The commanders of numerous fishing boats were present with their families, the members of the Maritime League “Sant ‘Antonio“ and some representatives of the brotherhood of Saint Anthony led by the president Alfredo Pincini. After reading the fisherman’s prayer and imparting a collective blessing, Father Paolo walked along the entire quay of the port blessing each of the fishing boats in the flotilla. On many boats, in addition to the commander, his family members were also present. After each blessing, Father Paolo gave the commanders of the various fishing boats an effigy with the image of Saint Anthony. Before this event, in the presence of the commander of the Port Authority Nunzia Pezzella, a mass had been celebrated in the parish of Saints Pio and Anthony in honor of the elderly fishermen. On Saturday 29 June, they will be the ones to transport the statue of the Saint on one of the fishing boats on the occasion of the heartfelt patronal feast.

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