Italy 24 Press News

to contract workers no less than nine euros an hour

Cerignola. The Cerignola City Council recently approved a historic motion that introduces a municipal minimum wage for public procurement workers. With this decision, the Municipality of Cerignola aligns itself with a growing trend in Italy which aims to improve working conditions and combat poor work and exploitation.

The Context and Approval of the Motion

The motion, promoted by the municipal administration and supported by various political forces, establishes that all workers employed in public procurement in the municipal area will receive a minimum wage of nine euros an hour. This measure is intended to ensure that workers involved in public projects have a decent compensation, adequate for the cost of living and compliant with European standards.

According to Istat data, in Italy over 2 million workers live below the poverty line, a problem that also significantly affects the public procurement sectors, where working conditions are often precarious and wages are too low.

The Details of the Motion

The approved motion provides for the adaptation of the clauses in the procurement contracts stipulated by the Municipality of Cerignola, including the constraint of the minimum wage of nine euros per hour. This measure is set to benefit thousands of workers, from cleaners to workers in public services, ensuring greater equity and economic security.

Reactions and Future Prospects

The mayor of Cerignola, Francesco Bonito, expressed satisfaction with the approval of the motion, underlining that this initiative represents a significant step towards the protection of workers’ rights and the promotion of a fairer economy. “This decision confirms our administration’s commitment to a more fair and supportive Cerignola,” declared Bonito.

Local trade unions and trade associations also welcomed the news, seeing the motion as a concrete example of how local administrations can contribute to improving working conditions. “It is a strong signal that we hope will be followed by other Municipalities and that can help push the national government to seriously discuss the introduction of a legal minimum wage throughout the country,” commented the secretary of the CGIL of Cerignola.

Impact and Application

Now, the Municipality of Cerignola will have to proceed with the review of tenders and public contracts to integrate the new legislation. Continuous monitoring is expected to ensure compliance with the new provisions and to evaluate the impact of the measure on the local economy and on the well-being of workers.

This Cerignola initiative could become a model for other local administrations in Italy, helping to promote positive change in the labor market and the protection of workers’ rights.

For further information and updates, it is possible to consult the official websites of the Municipality of Cerignola and of the main trade union organizations in the area.


Municipality of Cerignola
National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT)
CGIL Cerignola

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