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Brescia Absolute Challenge, all the challenges to follow

Photo Laura Ponsetto for Fidal Brescia

BRESCIA – Saturday and Sunday it’s time for the Overall Challenge on the Track – Here is the preview of the races. Here we wrote about the subscribers, times and streaming.


In the men’s 100m there will be 5 heats where you can watch the challenge between Lorenzo Ianes (10.39), Eric Marek (10.40) e Jim Folajin Fonseca (10.42). It’s still Luca Cassano (10.43), Alexander Zlatan (10.45) and from the States Enrico Cavagna (10.48). Own Cavagnawith his 20.87, is the favorite of the 200 in a race with 3 athletes under 21″20, including Filippo Cappelletti (9.14pm) e Ianko Lattarulo (9.19pm). Nice challenge in the 400 between Matteo Raimondi (47.04) e Alex Donelli (47.06), as well as Francesco Conti (47.18).

In the women’s 100m the pole is Alessandra Gasparelli who he will have to deal with Chiara Goffi. 200 with Gloria Hooper in search of the absolute Italians with Eleonora Ricci And Giulia Ingenitobeyond Gaia Pedreschi. In the 400m, the NCAA II 400hs champion Fatoumata Kabo (53.38) vs Raphaela Lukudo (53.59) e Maria Benedicta Chigbolu.

Middle distance

Great men’s 800, with the challenge of the sub-1’49ers Amedeo Perazzo, Enrico Brazzale And Alessandro Lotta. But there are 8 athletes under 1’50”. In the women’s 800 there is Laura Pellicoro with its 2.02.68. The challenge will be with Serena Troiani, Milena Masolini And Federica Pansini.

1500 which also became high level at the Challenge. Even 7 athletes with less than 3.45 where Alessandro Lotta with 3.40.56 he starts with the best time of the lot. Then the young man Alessandro Pasquinucci (3.41.02). Definitely favored among women, always around 1500, Livia Caldarini, with 4.16.05. Three athletes from less than 14′ in the men’s 5000, that is Stefano Massimi (1.52pm), Nadir Cavagna (1.53pm) e Luca Alfieri (1.54pm). In the women’s 5000m, only one athlete under 16′, Letizia Di Lisa with 15.59.


110hs with another veteran from the American collegiate season, that is Alessio Sommacal, this year 13.91. Favorite in the 100hs, Celeste Polzonetti with the 13.46 course in Mondovì, followed by Sandra Milena Ferrari, even returning from the States. 11 athletes under 14″. Still Summacal then in the 400hs with his Californian 50.85 Riccardo Berrino (51.51). On the other hand, 4 athletes have completed less than a minute in the 400hs, with Ilaria Verderio with the best credit (58.45).

Male hedges seeing Leonardo Feletto, Carmelo Cannizzaro (which came close to reaching the NCAA finals), Wilson Marquez from less than 8’50”. Gaia Colli favorite on the women’s steeplechase with 10.22.12.


In the men’s high two men of 2.17 as Federico Celebrin and Ernesto Pasconebeyond Alberto Murari from 2.15. High women’s decidedly balanced, with 11 athletes between the 1.79 of Martina Leorato and the qualifying 1.74. 9 athletes from more than 5 meters in the auction, with Federico Bonanni (5.30) e Federico Biancoli (5.20). Women’s auction with three 4.20 athletes, that is Nathalie Kofler, Giada Pozzato And Francesco Semeraro.

The men’s long run is also very balanced: 12 athletes between 7.54 Jacopo Quarratesi and 7.37 entry. Practically all the long distance runners with personals above 6 metres, led by the 6.48 of Elisa Naldi. Definitely favorite Simone Biasutti in the men’s triple (16.35), e Chiara Emerald And Erika Saraceni among women.


Only 7 men to fight the Italians and Vincenzo D’Agostino with a meter and a half ahead of the group as a presentation measure. The women’s race is more competitive, where she starts in the lead Greta Pistolozzi (14.84). Disco where Andrea Fassina are the favorites (54.36) and where a good clash will take place between Beloved Fortuna and Emily Conte.

Davide Costa he should have no problem winning the men’s hammer. 3-way challenge Giulia Rossi, Alessia Beneduce And Paola Castaldi in the female hammer. Giovanni Frattini has a huge advantage on paper in the javelin with her 76.21 and in the women’s javelin Genet Galli And Adele Toniutto.

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