Italy 24 Press News

anniversary of the foundation of the Italian Red Cross

VENICE – “For 160 years it has been alongside people in difficulty, to alleviate suffering and provide help. Thanks to the volunteers, professionals and healthcare workers who work there, it constitutes a point of reference for Italy and all its territories. On behalf of the Veneto Region, heartfelt thanks to the Red Cross for being our lighthouse in times of difficulty, for its constant contribution in assisting people in need, for providing relief during any type of disaster”.

These are the words with which the president of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia expresses gratitude to the Italian Red Cross on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of its foundation.

Born in Milan on 15 June 1864, on the initiative of the doctor Cesare Castiglioni, with the name of ‘Committee of the Italian Association for the aid of the wounded and sick in war’, the Italian Red Cross took shape on the inspiration of the Swiss Henry Dunant, after the terrible experience of the battle of San Martino and Solferino in 1859. The very high number of dead and wounded gave rise to the need to set up a corps of volunteers to offer aid to the wounded in the event of conflicts and to the weakest and most vulnerable people in time of peace.

“Since then – added the Governor – the humanitarian organisation, guided by principles, ideals and actions that are the symbol of humanity on a daily basis, has constantly grown, reaching 190 countries. In Veneto there are over 9 thousand Red Cross volunteers, divided into 27 territorial committees which ensure a widespread presence in our territory. Women and men who offer their time and expertise every day to those who are most disadvantaged, always on the front line in dealing with emergencies, from natural disasters to health emergencies as happened in the times of Covid. With determination, generosity and humanity they deal with social inclusion, health, training of the new generations: a fundamental commitment in schools, to promote their business and motivate many willing young people to become volunteers”.

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