Italy 24 Press News

Carlotta Ragazzini: A Table Tennis Star Who Shines On and Off the Court

Carlotta Ragazzini, the Faenza paralympic table tennis athlete, continues to reap successes both on and off the court. After recently triumphing at the Paris Olympics preparation tournament in Taipei, Carlotta received another prestigious award: the Laura Bassi Award – Woman’s Award Under 25. This award was given to her last Friday during the 2072 Rotary International held in Riccione, an event which this year had the theme “Women, Youth and Innovation”.

Ragazzini is no stranger to these honors. Already last year, the Faenza Club had awarded her the Women’s Award, recognizing her extraordinary contribution as a sportswoman and as an inspirational figure. Carlotta perfectly embodies the values ​​of determination, commitment and resilience so dear to Rotary and represented by the historical figure of Laura Bassi.

As a Paralympic table tennis athlete, Carlotta has demonstrated exceptional fortitude and unparalleled dedication in the pursuit of sporting perfection. Her brilliant career, crowned by the title of European champion, testifies to her extraordinary talent and tenacity. Carlotta’s ability to face and overcome challenges with a smile has inspired not only other athletes but also the entire community, demonstrating that true strength lies in the will to overcome every obstacle.

What makes Carlotta truly worthy of the Laura Bassi Award is her constant commitment to overcoming challenges, embodying the Rotary values ​​of service and solidarity. Like Laura Bassi, who defied the prejudices of her time to excel in science, Carlotta faced her physical limitations with extraordinary courage. She proved that the only barriers that matter are the ones we place ourselves.
Therefore, it is with great admiration for her achievements and deep gratitude for the inspiration she offers to our community that she was awarded the Laura Bassi Under 25 Award. “May her example continue to illuminate the path of many, demonstrating that with determination and passion, every dream is within our reach,” reads the motivation for the award.

In the afternoon, Carlotta participated in the round table “Io donna al centro”, moderated by the journalist Gloria Brolatti, with the participation of Ilaria Cinelli, Aerospace Medical Association, Rosa Maria Gaudio, Director of the University Center for Studies on Gender Medicine of the University of Studies of Ferrara, and Alessandra Necci, Director of the Estensi Galleries

This event marked the end of the year of Governor Fiorella Sgallari, the first woman to hold this office in District 2072. Sgallari underlined the importance of figures like Carlotta in promoting Rotarian values: “Rotary is founded on principles of service , ethics and solidarity. Carlotta Ragazzini, with her life and career, represents a beacon of hope and a model of resilience for all of us.”

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