Italy 24 Press News

“They have been on hunger strike for days for their rights”

Florence, 14 June 2024 – Alongside the Gkn workers there is also Giovanni Storti. The actor and comedian member of the well-known trio Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo was today in Piazza Indipendenza alongside the collective to reiterate the importance of their battle.

In a video on Instagram Giovanni Storti shows himself next to the workers holding one of the banners of the Gkn collective: “I am here in Piazza Indipendenza in Florence, in a beautiful garden with this Atlas cedar. And what happened? That these people he put curtains therethey are ruining my cedar which is already full of bales”, jokes the actor.

Giovanni Storti in Piazza Indipendenza in Florence with the Gkn workers

“These two have been doing it for 11 days the hunger strike. Why? Because I’m from the Gkn collective. And so a question arises: what kind of people do we want to be? Do we want to be people who don’t care, do we want to be people who usurp other people, do we want to be people who don’t pay salaries? Let’s try to be people like them, which has been struggling to carry out an industrial reconversion for three years. For bring home their rights”.

Then the appeal: “Try doing three days of fasting or even six months without pay. Here think about this, try to be better people like these people around me.”

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