Italy 24 Press News

the students of the «Damiano Chiesa» Institute designed it

The “Damiano Chiesa” lower secondary school of the Rovereto Est Comprehensive Institute is proud to have joined the project for the fifth consecutive year Girls Code It Better (GCIB) by Officina Futuro W-Group ETS Foundation, created by Costanza Turrini, which aims to bring girls closer to the world STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

The 12 girls of the club met two hours a week from November to the beginning of May and, under the guidance of the coach-teacher Federica Scottini and the coach-maker Chiara Orsi, they conceived, designed and created a video game in virtual reality. And not only that: they designed the logo graphics and created gadgets such as stickers and key rings made with the 3D printer. Finally, on May 11th they presented their project at the Code & Tell exhibition event at the DumBO in Bologna.

Here is the voice of the girls:

«The theme proposed to us is “WE AND THE SEA”. After watching some videos and documentaries we thought we had to make our contribution to combating the problem of pollution from marine waste.
As? Creating our own video game with the Cospaces application in virtual reality called “Discovering goal 14”because it was inspired by objective 14 “Life under water” of the 2030 Agenda. Our game aims to educate our peers to safeguard the environment and, in particular, to respect the sea and the species that live there.
It is divided into two parts, both with quizzes: a part on the beach, where you have to help the volunteer Giulia collect waste while she asks us interesting questions about pollution, until you notice a net with a fish trapped in it internal: clicking it will take you to the second part of the game which is set underwater. The guide for underwater exploration is a fish: Pesce Guido.

You will have the chance to swim next to the whales and pass by the rocks to find all the rubbish, and you will have to answer other questions posed by Guido. The waste you will find is simple masks, plastic bags, cigarette butts, etc.
The game can be played on a PC or smartphone, or you can immerse yourself in virtual reality with cardboard viewers.

In addition to the video game, we have created some gadgets: 3D printed key rings with our mascot Pesce Guido, tickets with the QrCode to access the game and stickers with the game logo. We are very satisfied with our work and we hope that it will be able to raise awareness and educate many young people, to save our seas.”

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