Italy 24 Press News

Fanpage investigation on the young people of Fdi, Bocchino on La7 repeats Meloni’s famous phrase: “Can I have the footage?”. And everyone bursts out laughing

Almost 3 years have passed since the newspaper’s investigation Fanpage on the Milanese black lobbya report that triggered the indignant reaction of the leader of Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni with the famous phrase “I asked for 100 hours of footage.”
The statement, now consigned to the history of social jokes and memes, is proposed again this time to A clean sweep (La7) from Italo Bocchinoformer PDL parliamentarian and editorial director of Century of Italyon the occasion of the broadcast of a new investigation by the online newspaper on the hidden face of boys of the Brothers of Italy, among Roman greetings, hymns to the Duce, embarrassing phrases e “Sieh Heil”.

Bocchino reiterates that the young people of Fdi, despite having been defined as “wonderful” by Meloni, have nothing to do with the ruling class of the party, but are only “0.01%”. Then he turns his question to the director of Fanpage Francesco Cancellato: “I can have all the footage for my personal culture what did you do with the investigation and not the one that was cut?”.
The first to burst out laughing is the host Corrado Formigli who comments by quoting Meloni’s phrase: “Ah, the 100 hours of footage”.

The other guests follow close behind, such as the deputy of the Democratic Party Marco Furfaro who observes: “Giorgia Meloni had already thought about saying this, lYours is a rough copy of a phrase that we all know by now. The original is better“.
Bocchino ignores the general hilarity and urges Cancellato: “Why can’t we have it? I have a lot of free time. I see you are embarrassed.”
“There is no kind of embarrassment – ​​replies the director of Fanpage – What you saw, as well as what you saw on the black lobby, is consistent with our footage. The Milan prosecutor’s office said so.”
“But can I have it? It is access to the documents”, insists Bocchino.
“No, you can’t have it – Cancellato replies – And access to the documents is requested by the prosecutor’s office“.
“Do you know why I can’t have it? Because that is cut rubbish”, repeats the former Finian.

And Furfaro rises up: “But how do you defend people who praise Hitler?“.
“This is not journalism,” says Bocchino.
“It’s a shame, Bocchino started well, then he did it the slut“Formigli comments ironically.

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