Italy 24 Press News

Truck Rally XX Secolo, to admire unique trucks, taste typical dishes (and do charity)

«The human body has an engine called the heart and the hearts of truck drivers are as big as the engine of a truck…». Giuseppe Cristinelli, president of Fai Bergamo, and Fabrizio Rottoli, vice president of Fai and president of Sinergie & Servizi and Ebitral, were unable to mask their emotion, but also their pride, in the face of the phrase that a member uttered commenting on the decision of the Federation of Italian road hauliers, of the service company created by the same federation and by the bilateral body, which in addition to Fai has Filt – Cgil, Fit – Cisl and Uiltrasporti of Bergamo as protagonists, to support, with an important economic contribution, the The 2024 edition of Truck Raduno XX Secolo, scheduled for 15 and 16 June at the Bergamo Fair. An event which, in addition to representing a party for the truck world (with the truck drivers ready to meet in the square of the Bergamo Fair to admire some “unique pieces” among the over 160 arriving, such as some heavy vehicles from the 1930s , ’40s and ’50s, but also the modern trucks protagonists on the sands of the Dakar desert), wants to be, once again, an opportunity to help those who need it most. In particular, the young patients hospitalized in pediatric wards and their families whom Fai Bergamo, Sinergie & Servizi and Ebitral have decided to help by taking up the invitation launched by Cristian Calsana, employee of a transport company in the province of Bergamo and creator of the event, now in its 15th edition, which in the past has helped groups of volunteers such as those of the “Fondazione Abio Bergamo, and Amici della pediatricia Bergamo.

«An appointment at which hauliers not only from the Bergamo area, but from Milan, Brescia, even from Valle d’Aosta confirmed their presence – he commented Cristian Calsana, making an appointment for everyone, truck drivers and otherwise, on Saturday from 1pm to midnight and Sunday from 9am to 10pm, with free admission -. And with the possibility not only of admiring beautiful heavy vehicles which, in some cases, have made history, but also of tasting typical dishes thanks to the catering service offered by three food trucks, including casoncelli, salamelle and kebabs, which will join the gastronomic proposal of the self-service of the fair”.

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