Italy 24 Press News

PalaFiere, the results are here. Investments of 90 million euros in Riva del Garda – La Busa

“It is not true that everything is at a standstill in Riva del Garda as regards the investments of the provincial administration through Patrimonio del Trentino. In fact, the opposite is true. It should be clarified first of all that we are not just talking about PalaFiere, which in any case represents a fundamental space for the development of the events sector in Alto Garda and throughout Trentino: an area where, moreover, there is progress in the interventions started and this despite the obvious difficulties that had an impact on the original construction site starting from the Covid phase and the subsequent period”. This is the first concept expressed by the provincial councilor Simone Marchiori with responsibility for heritage and state property, with respect to some declarations regarding the attention given by the provincial public system to Alto Garda.
To give an idea, explains the councilor, at this moment the provincial administration through Patrimonio del Trentino has investments underway in Riva del Garda for 78 million euros, according to the original values, but which in projection with the revaluation of costs (raw materials and so on) will reach around 90 million euros. Resources intended for the construction of the new PalaCongressi, that of the Riva theater and the adjacent car park, as well as the interventions planned in the Baltera area: i.e. the construction of the car parks and new exhibition spaces and the sports hall, the latter being the subject of the discussion with the municipal administration.

In particular, Marchiori recalls that again with regard to the Baltera exhibition complex, the car park called “MM” has been created and is about to be handed over to the community and that a functional lot is being completed – and will be completed by the beginning of 2025 of the new building intended for exhibition spaces (called “Pavilion G1”).

All this, the councilor specifies, was achieved despite an objectively difficult context, given primarily by the impact of the Covid period on the original construction site and by the subsequent phase of rising prices and raw materials, as well as the failure of the company awarded the tender which made it necessary to proceed with a new contract.

In light of what has already been effectively guaranteed by the provincial public system, Marchiori also recalls the need to entrust the second part of the intervention on the exhibition center (“pavilion G2″) to a subsequent contract. “For which – concludes the councilor – the appropriate assessments will be made which will concern the economic aspect, with reference to the aspects of costs and the consequent attention that must be paid by the provincial administration with respect to the control of expenses and the use of the community’s resources”.

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