Italy 24 Press News


Dear Mayor,

in the impossibility of being able to have a direct meeting which, requested several times, has been postponed from time to time due to his urgent commitments, I find myself forced to make public the growing discomfort at the persistence of an incomprehensible silence from the Municipality of Teramo regarding an issue raised for some time by the undersigned Association that I have the honor of representing and which has now dragged on for over three years without the organization that you represent and the Councilors who have succeeded over time who have shone for their diligence and clarity of intent.
I am referring to the sports facilities intended for the game of tennis which are, until proven otherwise, owned by the Municipality of Teramo. I summarize, for ease of understanding, the terms of the dispute:

1. For the management of the aforementioned facilities, the Municipality stipulated at the time an agreement with the Teramo Tennis Club on the basis of which the latter can use the sports facility reserving it for its members up to a maximum of 80% of available weekly hours .

2. On 23 July 2021, the Teramo Tennis Club Association, a non-profit association aimed at promoting tennis sport free of charge, asked the Tennis Club to use the remaining 20% ​​of the hours as required by the referred to Convention.

3. Only on 23 November 2023 did the Teramo Tennis Club, after a meeting held in the presence of the current Councilor Dr. Ferri, send us a response in which jugulatory solutions were indicated which contradicted the terms of a possible agreement as it had been revealed in the aforementioned meeting. For example, we were asked in advance, and in contrast with current legislation, that our Association provide the Tennis Club with its membership register.

4. The only point on which there was agreement concerned the number of hours (8 hours per day) that would be assigned to us and which, in fact, constitutes 20% of the total time of use of the systems. 5. But the request made to us by the Tennis Club, which would have demanded the annual payment of 48,000 Euros compared to the sum of 1,500 Euros that that association repays to the Municipality of Teramo on the basis of the aforementioned concession, turned out to be exorbitant and bordering on provocation. 6. In this regard, the Association I represent has made itself available to pay, in proportion to the number of hours used, 20% of the fee that the Tennis Club itself pays annually to the Municipality of Teramo
To further understand the current relations that the Tennis Club has with the Municipality of Teramo, I would like to point out that at present the Tennis Club itself, in violation of Art. 8 (reads: The Concessionaire is prohibited from having persons or entities take over the concession under this contract, either in whole or in part, in any capacity or for any reason. The concession is considered terminated if the Concessionaire assigns to others, in any capacity, all or part of the management of sports facilities.) of the Agreement approved with Council resolution no. 42 of 4/2/2021, and without the Municipality having had anything to object to, it sold to third parties part of the space granted under concession for the construction of three Padel courts (investment amount Euro 353,198.87) on the basis of an agreement between the Tennis Club and the private individual according to which 80% of the resulting revenues will go to the same private entity; while the remaining 20% ​​would remain with the Teramo Tennis Club. We find ourselves faced with a sort of subcontracting in clear violation of the provisions of the aforementioned Agreement between the Municipality and the Tennis Club.
I want to hope that this open letter, bypassing the arcana imperii that would seem to inform the current behavior of the Council and the competent Councillors, can contribute to resolving a problem that has dragged on for too long, thus contributing to giving legitimate satisfaction to the Association that I represent and which among your social goals (I underline it!) are those aimed at promoting tennis sport among the new generations and mainly among the less well-off classes on a non-profit basis: these objectives should not be foreign to the Administration that you represent.

Edgardo Piantieri

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