Italy 24 Press News

He suffocated his mother in Ferrara: the La Nuova Ferrara trial begins

Ferrara There is no prospect of a long trial for Sandro Biondi, the 53-year-old man accused of the aggravated murder of his mother, Maria Sassoli (81), killed inAcer apartment in via Argante, al Barco, where they both lived. Yesterday morning the first hearing was held before the assize court presided over by judge Piera Tassoni, called to judge the man who already during the investigations conducted by State Police and coordinated by the deputy prosecutor Andrea Maggioni confessed to having been the perpetrator of the murder. The hearing was very quick: the defense – lawyers Francesco Andriulli and Guido Guida – gave their consent to the acquisition in trial file of all the documents present in the public prosecutor’s file: in other words, it means that the investigative documents all come into the knowledge of the professional and lay judges, without the need for acquisition in contradictory. However, some preliminary investigations will be carried out: in the next hearing already set for September 18th. In particular, one of the policemen who conducted the investigations will be heard and, above all, the psychiatric consultant to the prosecutor’s officethe forensic psychiatrist Luciano Finotti, who in his analysis had excluded that Biondi was in a state of inability to understand and want when he killed his mother despite having identified in the accused a picture of anxiety-depressive disorder with some traits of various personality disorders. «We are awaiting the outcome of the consultant’s examination to evaluate whether or not to request a psychiatric evaluation», explain the lawyers Andriulli and Guida. The murder took place on 23 February 2023, at Barco, in a house on the ground floor of an Acer building in via Argante. It was Biondi himself, that morning, who call the police, warning that he had killed his mother. From what emerged, the man had suffocated her mother using her pillow, at the same time compressing her chest, thus preventing any attempt to breathe. The reason for this action, if there really is one, it has not yet emerged clearly. Right from the start there was talk of conflicts between mother and son – over time there had been some very heated arguments which in past years had also led to some intervention by the police in the house, without there ever being any consequences particular or situations deemed worrying emerge. The situation was not that of abuse in the familyin case of a crisis perhaps generated by the difficulties in the mother-son relationship in living in a common space and with the woman who had important care needs. Among the hypotheses that had always emerged during the investigations there was also that of a gesture linked to Biondi’s non-acceptance of the fact that his mother would soon be moving to a residence for the elderly. The man, heard by the investigators, said: “I could not do it anymore”. In the trial no family member was a civil party and an important fact, due to humanity and sensitivity, in this sad affair has always been the sense of closeness and help that Biondi’s brother has always conveyed towards him.

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