Italy 24 Press News

Discussion table with economic and customs operators of the Port of Ravenna

A conference was held in the Conference Room of the Port System Authority of the Central-Northern Adriatic Sea. Discussion table with the economic and customs operators of the port of Ravenna promoted by the Customs and Monopolies Agency (ADM) – Ravenna Customs Office, in collaboration with the Emilia-Romagna Customs Association (ADER) Ravenna Section.

The meeting, which saw the participation of customs officers, maritime agents and terminal operators, staff of the UVAC – PCF Emilia-Romagna Office, of the Ravenna Phytosanitary Service, of the Provincial Command of the Guardia di Finanza of Ravenna and of the Port System Authority , represented an important opportunity for dialogue between all the operators of the Ravenna airport to delve deeper into some important innovations introduced in customs matters and other obligations.

The customs operators were able to meet with ADM representatives, including the Manager of the Customs Directorate – Customs Control Office, the manager of the Customs Section of the Territorial Directorate, the Manager of the Ravenna Customs Office and the manager of the Tax Area, Anti-fraud and controls of the same Office, clarifying specific doubts and discussing practical solutions for better management of customs operations.

During the meeting, highly relevant and topical issues were addressed, including the new IT system (PoUS), developed by the competent Union Services for the proof of the Union status of goods and the management of T2L/T2LF documents, in replacement of the previous paper procedure, and the Certex one-stop shop, intended to simplify and speed up customs control procedures. Furthermore, the procedures for organic certificates were illustrated, essential to guarantee the conformity of goods with European regulations on organic farming.

ADM, in collaboration with ADER and AdSP, will promote the organization of a second meeting within the year to maintain a constant dialogue with all operators in the sector, encouraging updates on customs regulations and best practices.

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