Italy 24 Press News

Green Europe Brindisi sends a request for peace to the powerful people of the planet

The note by Caterina Marini and Domenico Turrisi.

BRINDISI – We receive and publish the press note from the National Federal Councilor of Green Europe Caterina Marini and the member of the Regional Management of Green Europe Puglia Domenico Turrisi, as well as provincial co-spokespersons for Green Europe Brindisi.

“We, provincial co-spokespersons for Green Europe Brindisi first of all, in the name of that concept of eco-pacifism, the identity foundation of Greens all over the world, we turn to the powerful people of the planet gathered in Fasano these days so that the decisions they will take go in one direction: PEACE, in the pure sense of term.

Among the topics under discussion at the G7 the great absence is the climate crisis with its negative, not to say devastating, effects on the people and economies of the planet and which causes growing global social inequalities and an alarming impoverishment of peoples, as attested by OECD statistical data.

There are only six years left until 2030 and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the world is facing a series of structural and systemic crises, from climate variations to ongoing wars, both poisoned fruits of wrong policies.

The world is facing a ‘polycrisis’ which sees the most vulnerable sections of the population as the first victims: children, young people, women, the economically and socially marginalized.

The sum of the impacts linked to climate change, economic shocks and the consequences of the pandemic has exacerbated the already unacceptable social and economic inequalities. Gender inequalities are amplified, food security and even famines are increasing, encouraging forced migration flows and bringing humanitarian needs to record levels. This complex situation must see us united, institutions and people, in trying to get out of it without leaving anyone behind. The G7 can be a positive event if it defends the common interests of the planet and humanity for a friendly and peaceful, just and sustainable future. If, however, the G7 defends the privileges and interests of rich countries and more developed economies, then it will become part of the problem.

We recognize ourselves in the desire for dialogue and collaboration also expressed by the recent Civil 7 (C7) Summit which brought together civil society from all over the world in Rome for concrete actions for Peace, shared security and nuclear disarmament: social justice it is necessary to build Peace.

PEACE cannot be exported, PEACE cannot be pursued, PEACE cannot be achieved through wars, the exploitation of natural resources and the hoarding of new resources distance PEACE. PEACE is desired. PEACE is environmental and social justice. PEACE is always pursued. PEACE is the guarantee of food, rights and dignity for all citizens of the world; PEACE is life; PEACE is resistance in the defense of life itself. Economic security itself is a product of PEACE; PEACE is respect; PACE is environmental protection; PACE is a guarantee of fairness.”

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