Italy 24 Press News

Maturity in Prato, there will be 2,006 students taking the State exam

Prato, 13 June 2024 – There will be 2,006 high school students in the Province of Prato who will take the first test of the Maturity exam on Wednesday 19 June. This year, 220 students from Liceo Livi and 122 from Brunelleschi will take the long-awaited exam; 215 students from Copernico High School; 168 students from the Dagomari Institute; 270 students from the Gramsci – Keynes Institute; 88 students from Convitto Cicognini; 181 students from the Marconi Institute; 147 students from the Datini Institute; 356 students from the Buzzi Institute; 173 students from the Rodari High School specializing in Human Sciences and 66 students from the Cicognini Classical High School in Via Baldanzi. On the occasion of the start of the exams, the president of the Province of Prato Simone Calamai wanted to express his personal wishes to the students. “The high school leaving exam represents a crucial moment in the life of every student, which marks the conclusion of a long course of study and the beginning of new important challenges and opportunities. I remember very well the great emotion of that day in facing the first real transition towards adulthood – declared Calamai – All the kids have dedicated a lot of effort during the school year and I hope that June 19th can represent for them too “the beginning of a celebration, made up of stimuli and satisfactions, which will lead them to grow, both on a personal and professional level, within society – he concluded – Best of luck to all the students so that they can take this exam in the most serene way possible, with confidence and determination. The Province of Prato, together with the entire school community, is preparing to experience this important stage with enthusiasm and hope for the future”.

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