Italy 24 Press News

Viterbo News 24 – Robbery at the petrol station, the gang’s driver arrested

Robbery at the petrol station, the gang’s driver arrested

The car of the criminals was intercepted on the outskirts of Rome, the man driving was covered in blood

VITERBO – The driver of the gang who robbed a petrol station on the highway yesterday morning has been stopped and arrested.

It seems that the gang knew the roles inside the petrol station and waited for the arrival of the petrol station attendant, responsible for collecting the proceeds at the group’s other petrol stations, to attack and rob him. The second petrol station attendant was only injured because he rushed to defend the first but the target was the other.

The three criminals, who arrived on site from a side street, waited on standby for the man to return with the proceeds to rob him. They hit him with a stick and a dog swatter, later found on the spot, ordering him to hand over the proceeds. In the end they fled with a loot of 1820 euros towards Orte.

Given the alarm, while the two petrol station attendants were transported to the hospital for treatment, officers from the flying squad and the mobile squad intervened on site and immediately began chasing the criminals.

Their car was intercepted on the outskirts of Rome and was stopped. The driver, found covered in blood, was arrested. He may have been injured during the scuffle with the two petrol station attendants. Meanwhile, the search for the other two accomplices continues.

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