Italy 24 Press News

Controversy in Moncalieri over the felling of 8 trees in via Vignotto

It’s controversy a Moncalieri For the felling of 8 trees (Arizona cypresses) which for over 20 years had shaded the area between the Montessori school and the public garden of the Moon, in via Vignotto.

A citizen to our newspaper:

“We are against these fellings. Trees are essential for shade and for protecting public health, they must not be seen as a cost, especially where there are public places frequented by vulnerable people such as children and the elderly. We need trees ‘tall trunks not saplings’.

Councilor Angelo Ferrero at Prima Torino:

“Their felling comes after a report provided to us by an agronomist. According to the latter the trunk is ‘too tall’, therefore dangerous given that there is a school and a public garden in the area. I followed the controversy and I I’m sorry. We as the Municipality must think about safety. The Arizona cypresses will be replaced with new trees. The choice of essence will be examined with the agronomist and the school.”

Last year some elm trees were cut down in via Turati but the Municipality replaced them with lime trees.

The elm trees in Via Turati in Moncalieri were cut down, Legambiente: “Give us an explanation”

The benefits of trees

When planted, trees return numerous benefits to the environment and to people, such as: the reduction of noise pollution, air pollution and hydrogeological risk, the aesthetic improvement of urban landscapes, they reduce stress and the effects of heat waves.

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