Italy 24 Press News

European Championships in Cosenza. Maria Pia Funaro also makes a fuss about Franz, Giggino and their 325 “irreducibles”

325 preferences collected by Franz Caruso the hooded man and Luigi Incarnato alias Giggino, Tic Tic for the “boss” of their pathetic party, the PSI, were a real blow so much so that the two, they say from Piazza dei Bruzi, are still stunned .

The plastic representation of their mental state is contained in their tragicomic analysis of the vote in the city. The meaning of the document released is the following: through the vote for the European elections the people of Cosenza have expressed a strong appreciation for the municipal administration. Yes!

Well, yes you read that right. But let’s get to the numbers. In Cosenza only 39.94% voted, equal to just over 21 thousand of those entitled to vote. Of these few people from Cosenza who went to vote, 20% chose the M5s which confirmed itself as the city’s leading party. Even the most distracted of Cosenza knows that this party, although present in the council, does not touch the ball and decides nothing. And his presence within the city executive serves only to guarantee a salary to the evanescent and – let’s face it – ditzy Veronica Buffone. To avoid being ironic with the surname, which would be too easy.

The second party with 18% in the city is the Democratic Party. But Schlein’s party was voted for by all the many internal galaxies (or perhaps it would be better to say bands). That is, from those who share power and everything that comes with it with Franz and Giggino: any reference to Nicola Adamo and his bodyguards is purely intentional. But also to all those who are more or less secluded such as Carletto Guccione, Maria Locanto, Giuseppe Giudiceandrea, and even to those who are critics such as Giacometto Mancini.

Everyone voted for the Democratic Party. Indeed, what emerges from the analysis of preferences is that the candidate Pina Picerno, an expression of Nicola Adamo’s area (gang, or perhaps clan), came only fourth preceded by Decaro, Annunziata and also Ruotolo. Demonstrating the fact that the directives that come out of the Municipality to the people of Cosenza go in one ear and go out the other.

Continuing with the numbers: the third party in the city with 15.5% is the Brothers of Italy, which sits on the opposition benches in the town hall.

The fourth party is AVS, the alliance between the Italian Left and the Greens, which achieved a good result exceeding 11%. And here for Franz and Giggino there is the real joke because in addition to Mimmo Lucano, the one driving the list to success is Maria Pia Funaro, deputy mayor who was ousted by the Municipality and who in the city exceeded 1200 preferences, above all because she expressed a position in contrast to the Common.

Immediately after and therefore the fifth party Forza Italia, which experienced a real failure, demonstrating once again that those who know them best from the Occhiuto brothers keep themselves at a safe distance.

The sixth party in the city with around 9% is Salvini’s League which also represents the opposition to Caruso.

Finally, seventh and last with an insignificant result is the United States of Europe party, supported by Franz and Giggino, who have cut – let’s say things as they are – their usual Barbine figure. In essence, numbers and percentages in hand, this vote read from a citizen perspective means only one thing: that Franz and Giggino to date have 325 preferences. Coming soon even… less.

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