Italy 24 Press News

The bridge does not bring votes, Germanà under three thousand in Messina

MESSINA – The arrival of the Vice President of the Council and Minister Salvini in Messina. That is, “the man on the bridge”. And, in general, a European election campaign all in the name of great work by the Northern League senator Nino Germanà. Yet, in the city, the exponent of the “Bridge and Freedom” committee did not get beyond 2690 votes. 8,154 preferences in the metropolitan city. The bridge over the Strait it does not generate great support in Messina or in any case, considering the turnout of 38.85, there was no push forward in the name of Italy’s most divisive infrastructure.

The senator, in the interview with Tight time, he was keen to point out that “the League is growing compared to the 2022 policies, when we were at 3 percent”. It now stands at 8.49% in Messina and its province. Germanà highlighted: “However, we were unable to convey the message that the bridge over the Strait will be built. Or, at least, many don’t believe it. And the society Strait of Messina must communicate better. On a political level, when people see the facts, they will change their minds and we will increase consensus.”

In general, the feeling is that winners and losers in the metropolitan area have been rewarded or “punished” by voters regardless of the bridge issue. Several votes no bridge builders they certainly went to Pd, at 12.6%, to M5S, at 10.31%, and to Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra, at 3.58. But many were probably already “acquired”, albeit in the mobility of the vote, according to the logic of the alignments.

Certainly, another non-secondary element, the critical turn towards the great work has not caused the consensus for Cateno De Luca and his “Freedom” to collapse in the metropolitan area, with the record of 21.71%. The collapse of the Freedom list concerns the national sphere.

In the internal photo the writing “Timeo Pontem et dona ferentem”, a banner above the headquarters of the Provincial League in Messina. A reworking of the Latin phrase “Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes” (“I fear the Danaans even when they bring gifts”[[).

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