Italy 24 Press News

“Clockwork Orange” in Pistoia with elderly people beaten and robbed: 9 years requested for the bandits

The night of January 26, 2023 was a “Clockwork Orange” night with beatings and fear in Chiesina Montalese (Pistoia), in the Agliana plain. “Come and give us all your money and your gold otherwise we will kill you. If you want to stay alive, hurry, open the safe if you don’t want to die”. These are some of the sentences uttered to the elderly victims by the robbers, who then did not hesitate to use violence to get cash and valuables delivered.

The commando fleeing in the fields

Spreading terror was a gang of criminals who, with their faces covered and armed, had managed to enter two houses within an hour, taking away gold, jewels and cash., threatening death and then clubbing three elderly people who lived there and the son of one of them. Then they were swallowed up by the darkness and silence of the fields. But their movements were intercepted as part of the investigations that the police had launched into a series of thefts in companies in the area, in an investigation called “Red Maple”.

The four Albanians accused of robbery and personal injury

Many telephone and environmental interceptions were used in the reconstruction of those events, all retraced in the courtroom of the Pistoia Court where the trial is being held. THEThe public prosecutor Leonardo De Gaudio, after a detailed indictment pronounced before the panel chaired by judge Alessandro Buzzegoli, asked for a 9-year sentence for each of the members of the gang, accused of robbery and personal injury. They are Jozef Jaku, 32 years old, Vladimir Lleshi, 37 years old, Daniel Myrtaj, 22 years old and Pjeter Deda, 22 years old, all of Albanian origin.

The violence against two elderly people ended up in hospital

In the first house, the criminals had found a husband and wife, 81 years old: she suffered head trauma and multiple bruises, with a prognosis of 21 days. In the other house, there was a 91-year-old woman with her son: she was also violently beaten and was then sent to the emergency room always with a prognosis of 21 days.

“They just wanted to plunder the seedlings”

The reconstruction made in the courtroom by the defense lawyers, the lawyer Antonio Bertei di Prato, the lawyer Katia Doctor Giachino and the lawyer Cristiano Toraldo, was different. The line supported, in fact, is that the group was that night in the nursery area to plunder the companies of red maple seedlings, hence the name of the operation

. To nail all the telephone cells that their cell phones have connected. The lawyers asked for everyone to be acquitted of the crime of robbery.

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