Italy 24 Press News

Mayor Sadegholvaad at the forefront to ask for permanent reinforcements of the police: 2 thousand signatures have already been collected

On the issue of security, it is the mayor of Rimini, Jamil Sadegholvaad, who is on the front line by starting a petition on the topic of reinforcements of the police, anticipating that he wants to find a way to share with citizens, businesses, associations and unions a initiative with the sole aim of seeing the needs of one of the most dynamic and attractive provinces in Italy recognised. The mayor had hoped for the support of all political parties, as this is a long-standing issue that has never been resolved over time by any political party that has been in government.

He personally opened a petition addressing citizens. It is entitled: Rimini deserves the permanent strengthening of the police forces. We read in the document that can be found through the portal “In the province of Rimini, the police force has always been sized on official residents, around 350 thousand inhabitants. But every year the Rimini area hosts 16 million tourist overnight stays and almost 20 million excursionists which make maintaining security particularly complex and demanding for the police, commendable for their constant commitment, despite the limited numerical size. Furthermore, thanks to investments in the trade fair and conference sectors, these significant tourist presences have, for years now, been spread across all 12 months of the year, and not concentrated only in the summer months”.

After the announcement, as Sadegholvaad himself declared, “I began on Monday to distribute the paper material to city councillors, area committees and associations to collect signatures on the popular petition asking the Government to provide permanent police reinforcements in province of Rimini. In just a few days the petition, which is naturally extended to all the municipalities in the province, has already collected 2 thousand signatures electronically. The concept is that giving the Rimini area what it deserves in terms of state safety equipment is a duty by the State towards the local community and its citizens. It is a popular and bipartisan battle which for this very reason would be appropriate to be undertaken jointly by both the majority and opposition political forces: the interests of the community come first when it comes to security. of any matter.”

“On a similar topic – continues the mayor – the summer reinforcements of the police forces, all the mayors of the province of Rimini, 27, signed a joint appeal last week so that the seasonal reinforcement arrives in a numerically adequate and timely manner. Yesterday we officially learned that there are around 300 women and men who will be assigned to the provincial territory from 1 July to 1 September, with the possibility – for special situations – of requesting additional resources. We thank the Prefecture for their commitment on behalf of the community carried out towards the Interior Ministry, directly responsible for the matter. If these data correspond to the reality of the facts, it is 30 units less than in 2023; the operational substance certainly changes little but the signal remains. Certainly there will be important reasons on the part of the Ministry of the Interior to motivate this choice (the G7 in Puglia?) but we are still there, as we have been for 30 years now: the specificity of the Rimini area is taken into consideration in fits and starts. “.

“As mayors and as citizens – concludes Sadegholvaad – we therefore reiterate without any controversy but with a proactive spirit the request to equip the province with law enforcement forces numerically adequate for an area that welcomes 16 million tourists and at least 20 million hikers every year, with large events and a relational and service activity now spread over all 12 months of the year. We remain confident about the response, we remain somewhat like this given the numerical cut, albeit reduced, of summer reinforcements. symbolic image regarding the consideration of the Italian State towards security in the province of Rimini continued to remain that concrete monster of the former police station in via Ugo Bassi, commissioned by Rome and then left on the backs of the people of Rimini without even batting an eyelid Rimini is providing a solution: in a few days there will be some news to overcome that shame desired by the State, caused by the State and which we, once again, must put a stop to”.

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