Italy 24 Press News

young man threatened with a knife right in the center

Threatened with a knife while walking in the city center. It happened, on the night between Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th June, to a young 30-year-old man: he was walking along Corso Palestro when he was approached by a stranger who was brandishing a blade about 20 centimeters long. A scene that did not go unnoticed: a passerby immediately raised the alarm at the single emergency number. Then the timely intervention of the Police: two crews from the Flying Unit reached the heart of Brescia and tracked down the robber, who was blocked by the officers, despite his desperate attempt to escape.

Once the ritual search was carried out, the man – already known to the police for numerous specific precedents – was found in possession of the knife he had used to threaten the unfortunate 30-year-old. Arrested for robbery and reported for illegal possession of improper weapons, the doors of the city prison were opened for him, where he remains at the disposal of the judicial authorities. Not only that: being a foreigner and illegal on the national territory, the immigration office of the city police headquarters started the procedure aimed at his expulsion.

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