Italy 24 Press News

On the day she should have celebrated the achievement of the coveted specialization in support, a teacher, originally from the province of Caserta, instead found herself the victim of serious threats from her husband

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On the day she should have celebrated the achievement of the coveted specialization in support, a teacher, originally from the province of Caserta, instead found herself the victim of serious threats from her husband.

As reported by the local press, instead of sharing the joy of the professional achievement, the man threatened his wife with death and to set her on fire just because she had not included him among the people to whom she had dedicated some posts on social media to celebrate the specialization just achieved. The Carabinieri, alerted by the victim on the afternoon of Tuesday 11 June, promptly intervened at the couple’s home. Despite the presence of the police, the man reiterated the terrible threats against his wife, thus leading to his arrest. The woman filed a complaint, saying that unfortunately it was not an isolated incident. In fact, for some time she had been the victim of insults and psychological violence from her husband, to whom she has been married for thirty years.

Fortunately, however, these behaviors had never resulted in physical aggression. Unfortunately, this is yet another case of domestic violence and psychological abuse that often remains hidden and unpunished.

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