Italy 24 Press News

Perugia in the runoff, the Ferdinandi-Scoccia duel comes to life

PERUGIA – A few hours to catch your breath and we start again. After the heartbeat and tension of the night of the counting, the electoral campaign of Vittoria Ferdinandi (centre-left) and Margherita Scoccia (centre-right) comes to life towards the run-off on 23 and 24 June.

The candidate from the progressive camp, placed at the top of the first round with 49.01%, wanted to thank the «40,922 people from Perugia who placed their trust in us by voting for us. 40,922 people I would like to thank one by one. We had 3 months of beautiful electoral campaign, in every area and in every street of Perugia. We met you, listened to you, proposed solutions. You have repaid us with a wave of affection and participation, in the streets and at the polls.” Ferdinandi, therefore, sounds the charge to the people of the left: «Now there is only the last piece of road left to do together. We are one step away from victory. A result that seemed impossible weeks ago is now there, close by. I ask you for one last effort. Two weeks of courage, mobilization and passion as only all of you can do. As we say in Perugia “I also put in what I didn’t have”, and I will continue to put it in. It’s time to turn dreams, hopes, into reality. On June 23 and 24, together.”
Instead, the run-up of the centre-right candidate, Margherita Soccia, started from Quattro Torri, climbing up to 48.29% on Saturday and Sunday. At the end of the event which brought together all the souls of the coalition, supporters and sympathisers, Soccia encouraged her followers with a post on social media: «Here we started the electoral campaign and today, with even more enthusiasm and energy, we continue it . The path towards the future has only one direction, the one that goes forward. And so we continue, united and decisive, to walk. For Perugia – all of Perugia – until success.”
And the 3 mayoral candidates left out of the ballot? Massimo Monni (Perugia Merita), as a good seasoned politician that he is and knowing that he is the real tip of the balance, lets it be known to Pasquale Punzi’s microphone that he will not pick up the phone but that he is waiting to be contacted by the duelists. «Our contribution – he says – for serious and feasible things». Leonardo Caponi will meet with the PCI today to decide what to do and in the meantime he does not hide his satisfaction: «The conditions of the ballot are such that they have put our list back at the center of the scene. We were among the protagonists of the electoral debate and we will be one again, more than before, in this uncertain final.” Not even Davide Baiocco (Forza Perugia, Reformist Alternative-Italexit) is yet to say anything and with a video on his profile he wanted to express his gratitude to his voters: «I met a lot of people and I shared the path with many others. I am convinced that this path will continue.”

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