Italy 24 Press News

“Future? I don’t know if I’ll stay in Italy, I like the Premier League”

Among the great protagonists of the last season ofAtalanta by Gian Piero Gasperini there is no doubt Ederson, a flexible midfielder who made the definitive leap in quality this year. From unknown to full stop in the space of a few months, up to winning theEuropa League with the shirt of the Goddess and to reach another Italian Cup finalwithout forgetting fourth place in A league.

Ederson: “Sensational season, objectives achieved with Atalanta”

During a long interview granted to the Spanish newspaper As, directly from the retreat of Brazil, Ederson he took stock of his experience in Bergamo, after winning the Europa League against the new German champions Bayer Leverkusen: “It was a sensational season. I’m happy to have managed to win this call-up and to have made everything coincide with Atalanta’s objectives, having a great championship, giving the people an incredible Europa League. Last year I didn’t have these numbers, but at the beginning of this season I set myself some goals and I achieved them. You have to have patience and work, you can’t always reach certain levels.”.

How his has changed role at Gasperini’s court: “I can play different positions in the middle of the pitch, both acting in a more offensive and more defensive area. Playing in Italy has helped me a lot in this, because I can do the two phases without too many problems. In midfield, I think I can play both more blocked and with a little more freedom. Everyone wants to attack and score, but it is also important to defend the position and give balance to the team.”.

Ederson on the future: “I don’t know if I will stay in Italy, the Premier…”

After a season like this, The spotlight across Europe has turned on EdersonWith the’Atalanta who does not intend to make discounts for the Brazilian’s booking, a true equalizer of the Nerazzurri midfield: “I feel very good at Atalanta – the former Salernitana player immediately clarified –. I just won an important title, I integrated very well. My future is something that doesn’t worry me. What worries me right now is doing well here with the Brazilian team, – he added in view of the Copa America – leaving a positive impression because it is my first call-up. Making sure that everyone knows me here as everyone in Italy knows me. I’m very focused, very happy, I’m trying to make the most of this moment with the national team.”.

Skyrocketing market value and rumors that they would already like him in a big club Premier League: “I’m not used to following this whole world of transfers. Rumors are something that, as my wife and I often say, will always pass. We are calm, happy, we enjoy the moment. If there has to be some kind of change, I trust of my agents. I have an agent who has been with me for over 13 years, – Ederson underlined – so the moment he thinks something positive will happen, he will tell me and we will be in contact. We talked a lot about taking advantage of the moment and right now at Atalanta I’m doing very well. I don’t think it’s these speculations that distract me.”.

It is not excluded, however, a future far from Italy: “If something happens regarding my transfer, the club must accept it first, and this is the most important thing. I have a good relationship with Atalanta, so the moment they come to tell me that they have some offers, that’s when they will start the talks. At the moment I am an Atalanta player and I am still an Atalanta player. When my period with the national team ends I will also enjoy a short holiday, important to rest, and then I will return to Italy. Italy, I adapted well, but I’m curious about the Premier Leagueso I don’t know. I’m still growing, so I don’t know if I will stay in Italy, I think I still have a lot to prove. If I go somewhere else, I will continue to grow there too.”.

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