Italy 24 Press News

Here is the new city council and the record holders of preferences: 15 seats assigned to the Democratic Party

With the conclusion of the scrutiny of the 179 sections, the composition of the 2024-2029 city council is also looming. The majority around Ilaria Bugetti, elected mayor of Prato in the first round with 52.22% of the votes, will be made up of 20 councillors, of which 15 from the Democratic Party, the first party capable of gathering the support of a third of the electorate. The elected councilors in the Democratic Party are: Benedetta Squittieri (1,203 preferences), Maria Logli (1,134), Marco Sapia (1,041), Lorenzo Tinagli (867), Gabriele Alberti (774), Edoardo Carli (707), Simone Mangani (563), Aksel Fazio (521), Francesca Faggi (461), Maria Matilde Rosati (459), Martina Guerrini (459), Martina Cacciato (447), Gianluca Coppini (425), Francesco Bellandi (425), Derio Bacci (416).

The two civic lists supporting Bugetti elect 3 councillors: the 2 councilors for La Forza del Noi (confirmed) are Rosanna Sciumbata (402 preferences) and Sandra Mugnaioni (278). Also confirmed is the outgoing councilor Enrico Romei, the most voted on the list. This is Prato with 661 preferences.

The 5 Star Movement, still in the majority, elects only one councilor: Chiara Bartalini (186 preferences). A seat also for Sinistra Unita with Bugetti which will have its representative in Lorenzo Chiani (282 votes).

The opposition has 12 seats: to that of the defeated mayoral candidate Gianni Cenni, 5 representatives of Fratelli d’Italia are added – Claudio Belgiorno (absolute record of preferences with 1872 personal votes), Tommaso Cocci (811 votes), Eleonora Cioni (562), Cosimo Zecchi (415) and Rocco Rizzo (346). For the League the only person elected is Claudiu Stanasel (212 personal preferences). Rita Pieri returns to represent Forza Italia in the city council, with 468 preferences. The last 4 city councilors elected from the lists of the coalition that supported Gianni Cenni are the prerogative of the civic list of the same name: Leonardo Soldi (248 votes), Rossella Risaliti (237), Fabio Piccioli (178) and the former municipal manager Lorenzo Frasconi ( 164). No one elected for the Silli con Prato list, just as the lists supporting the candidates Mario Daneri, Jonathan Targetti, Fulvio Castellani and Paola Battaglieri will not have representatives in the city council.

The excluded – The list of those who didn’t make it is long, after all the candidates for the city council in the 15 lists were a total of 474. Several those who received zero preferences, 14 in the + Europe list. The person who collected many personal votes, but was unable to return to the council is Aldo Milone, 424 preferences collected, the second most voted in Forza Italia and the most voted among those excluded from all sides. Monia Faltoni is currently out of the PD councilors and has collected 416 preferences, the same number as Derio Bacci, who was elected due to the rule of the (alphabetical) order of appearance on the ballot paper. However, Faltoni could be brought back in the event that another elected PD councilor was chosen by Ilaria Bugetti from among her councillors. Still in the Democratic Party, Paola Tassi (380 preferences), Maurizio Calussi (375), Stefano Nesi (366) and Giannetto Fanelli (310) remain outside the chamber despite good personal results.

In the 5 Star Movement, as mentioned, the only one elected is Chiara Bartalini, while Carmine Maioriello failed to get re-elected (88 votes). Marilena Garnier also leaves the city council, despite the 221 preferences collected, like the other member of the list Questa è Prato Luigi Galardi (250). Daneri’s third pole did not obtain seats and therefore Stefano Micheloni (148), Agostino Gestri (121) and Veronica Versace Scopelliti (106) did not make it, just as the most voted on the Rifondazione list did not make it Communist Alternative for the common goods Tommaso Chiti (149). In the centre-right, in addition to the aforementioned Milone, Francesca Cadeddu, first among those excluded in Fratelli d’Italia with 300 preferences, is seen fading from the council; Daniele Spada, secretary of the League who collected 131 votes and Umberto Presutti Gallinella (also a candidate on the League list), with 171 personal votes.

Curiosity – For the first time in history Prato has a female mayor, Ilaria Bugetti. On the contrary, the city council sees a prevalence of men, 19, compared to 12 women. The composition of the chamber in the five-year period 2024-2029 will be largely renewed: 19 different councilors compared to the previous 5 years, compared to 13 confirmed.

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