Italy 24 Press News

461 contribution requests have been paid, you have until July 15th to apply

All requests for contributions received so far relating to the third tranche of the so-called municipal flood fund have been paid. These are 461 people for a total of one million and 138 thousand euros. The fund is made up of donations from all those who participated in the “Help for Ravenna” collection. The Municipality of Ravenna announced it in a note.

Applications for contributions – third phase

For this third phase, 2 million and 250 thousand euros have been allocated, which can be increased if necessary, intended primarily for those who were most affected by the flood, with very significant material damage and who submitted the application for access to the municipal flood fund by the deadline of October 16th.

There is still time until July 15th to apply for this third tranche according to the following methods:

• by email by writing to the address [email protected] (it should be noted that, although it is a certified email address, the email from which the request originates can also be a non-certified email address)

• personally at the multifunctional help desk in Viale Berlinguer 30 from Monday to Friday from 8am to 1pm, Tuesday and Thursday also from 2.30pm to 4.30pm, Saturday from 8.30am to 12.30pm;

• at the decentralized offices in via Maggiore 120 and via Aquileia 13 from Monday to Friday from 8am to 12.30pm and Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 2pm to 5pm;

• at the decentralized offices of the Forese from Monday to Friday from 8 to 13, Saturday from 8.30 to 12.30.

For information: 0544.485080, Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm, Saturday from 8.30am to 12.30pm.

In this third phase, an additional 5 thousand euros (compared to what has already been recognized) are awarded to subjects who have self-certified damages of over 50 thousand euros; 3 thousand euros to subjects who self-certified damages of between 25 thousand and 50 thousand euros; 2 thousand euros to subjects who self-certified damages of between 5 thousand and 25 thousand euros.

As of 16 October 2023, the deadline for collecting applications for access to the municipal flood fund, there were 65 users who declared damages of over 50 thousand euros, 188 who declared damages between 25 thousand and 50 thousand, while those who declared damages between 5 thousand and 25 thousand were 666.

To obtain the new contributions it is necessary to submit an application for confirmation of membership of the fund, with the simultaneous expression of the desire to access the disbursement of the third tranche and based on the damage range already declared during the first membership, by completing the downloadable form from the link

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