Italy 24 Press News

High school leaving exams, over 46 thousand students involved in Sicily

PALERMO (ITALPRESS) – In Sicily there are thousands of students who will take their high school diploma this year. On the island there are 46,292 young people from high schools, state technical and professional institutes (41,952) and private schools (4,340) who will take the first written test of the State exam for the 2023 school year at 8.30 am on Tuesday 19 June. 24. Last year there were 48,580 candidates, 2,288 more than this year. This was announced by the Regional School Office for Sicily. The procedures for the first written test are identical in all institutes with a duration of six hours. The second written test is scheduled for Thursday 20 June. For the Esabac and Esabac techno sections, a third written test is required. The exams will conclude with multidisciplinary oral interviews. The commissions are made up of internal and external commissioners and chaired by an external president. In Sicily there are 1,318 commissions, of which 333 in Palermo, 285 in Catania, 155 in Messina, 122 in Agrigento, 112 in Syracuse, 109 in Trapani, 79 in Ragusa, 76 in Caltanissetta, 47 in Enna. Of the 46.

292 Sicilian candidates – 44,679 internal and 1,613 external – there are 23,009 who will take the test in high schools, 14,469 in technical institutes and 7,928 in professional ones. Of the almost 42 thousand students graduating from state schools, Palermo and Catania are the provinces in which the greatest number is concentrated, with 9,948 (there were 10,168 last year) and 9,537 (9,821 in 2023) young people respectively. Followed by Messina with 5,020 (5,207 in 2023), Trapani 3,898 (4,023 in 2023), Agrigento 3,896 (4,050 in 2023). In Syracuse and its province, 3,253 will present themselves (3,375 in 2023), Caltanissetta 2,529 (there were 2,733 in 2023), Ragusa 2,548 (2,715 in 2023) and finally Enna 1,323 (same number of candidates as last year). Among the high schools, this year too, the scientific one has the highest number of graduates (6,381), followed by classical (3,951), linguistics (3,043), human sciences (3,038), scientific option applied sciences (2618), human sciences option social economic (1,124), scientific – sports section (504), high school of figurative arts, plastic-pictorial (489). 301 students from the music section of the musical and dance high school and 77 from the three-year dance section will take the State Exam. Among the technical institutes, the administration, finance and marketing branch has the highest number of graduates (2,754) to which must be added the 1,805 from the corporate information systems branch, followed by tourism with 1,828, information technology and telecommunications branch with 1,788. The peak among professional institutes is found in the food and wine and hotel hospitality sector with 3,803 graduates. This is followed by: maintenance and technical assistance with 853 candidates; food and wine services and hotel hospitality – food and wine branch with 619 candidates; agriculture, rural development, valorisation of local products and management of forest and mountain resources with 486 candidates. “I wish good study and an excellent final result to the students of the second cycle of education who are preparing to face the tests of the State Exam, an important milestone in the academic career of each of them – says Giuseppe Pierro, General Director of the USR Sicilia -. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff of the School for their dedication and work carried out during the entire school year”. – photo Fotogramma Agency – (ITALPRESS). vbo/com 11-Jun-24 15:38 .

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