Italy 24 Press News

Mayoral election results in Fano: live counting

Fano, 10 June 2024 – Today we will meet i results from the municipal elections Of Fanoat the end of scrutiny in progress. With only one section scrutinized out of 68, he is ahead Luca Serfilippi (50%)on Cristian Fanesi (28%), Marchegiani at 21%.

Follow the live results of the counting here / Live results in the Marche region / Voting in Pesaro / Urbino / Ascoli

After the two mandates of Massimo Serito run for office mayor, which could be proclaimed today or after a possible run-off, are three: Cristian Fanesisupported by the Democratic Party and by the lists Fanesi mayor, Fanesi mayor, F-Una città Maiuscase +Europa and ‘In Comune con Mascarin’, Stefano Marchegianisupported by M5S, Alleanza Verdi-Ribella, ‘Common Good’, ‘The Fano that we want Marchegiani Mayor’ and Psi, and Luca Serfilippi for Lega, Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia-UDC-Noi Moderati, ‘Civici Fano’ and ‘Fano changes pace’.

Reversals and confirmations

Reversal a Pergola and San Costanzo. In Pergola the team of the Baldelli brothers regains the city government with the candidate for mayor Diego Sabatucci who gets the better of the outgoing mayor Simona Guidarelli. TO San Costanzo victory of the young man Domenico Carbone with the Direzione futuro list, ahead of Milena Volpe and Davide Bruscia. Carbone’s list represents the discontinuity with the outgoing administration of Filippo Sorcinelli.

TO Fratte Rosa the election of was validated Marzio Massisole candidate: the quorum was reached with 65.74% of the turnout and the percentage of valid votes.

Elections in Fano: live results

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