Italy 24 Press News

Udine, pushes the officers and tries to escape: a 24-year-old arrested

The 24-year-old Pakistani was arrested.

The State Police of Udine, in the late afternoon of Wednesday 5 June 2024, arrested flagrantly for the crime of resisting a public official, a 24-year-old Pakistani citizen, requesting international protection.

As part of the daily control of the territory aimed at the prevention and repression of crimes, personnel of the Flying Squad of this Police Headquarters, passing through viale Venezia, saw two foreign subjects. As soon as the two are aware of the presence of the officers, they split up and fled. Both were stopped shortly after and, upon checking, one of them – of Pakistani origin – had spontaneously handed over approximately 2.9 grams of hashish to the officers. Asked to hand over any other substance hidden on his body, the man hired a non-collaborative attitude with the workers, even pushing them in order to escape. Only the prompt reaction of the Agents prevented him from escaping.

The personal search carried out subsequently by the Agents inside the Police Headquarters offices made it possible to find, in the Pakistani underwear, another 36.5 grams of hashish. The entire material has been subjected to evidentiary seizure pending the decisions of the Judicial Authority.

The arrest.

The man was therefore investigated and arrested for crime of resisting a public official and reported in a state of freedom for crime of possession of narcotics for the purposes of drug dealing and held in the local security rooms awaiting the validation judgement.

Yesterday morning, the GIP validated the arrest by condemning the Pakistani citizen for the crime of resisting a public official, at the request of the parties, to a penalty of 3 months’ imprisonment, with the benefit of the conditional suspension of the sentence. It was therefore arranged liberation of man awaiting the celebration of judgment with regard to the contested activity of possession of the narcotic for the purpose of dealing.

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