Italy 24 Press News

six mayors are already ready

ROVIGO – Six mayors are almost certain to still lead their countries. Almost because they were unique candidates, but the law requires that two requirements be met. The first is that the so-called structural quorum is reached, i.e. that at least 40 percent of those entitled to vote went to vote, and this happened in all six centres. The second is that these candidates must have collected 50% plus one of the valid votes (functional quorum), under penalty of being placed under commissionership by the Municipality. This is why only today’s counting, starting at 2pm, will make the election of these six mayors official. It is difficult to think, in fact, that those who went to vote then cast a blank ballot or annulled it, which is why we just have to wait for the formality of the officialization.

The sigh of relief from the 40% quorum arrived already in the morning for two Municipalities, namely San Bellino, perhaps the first ever, where Aldo D’Achille was a candidate for the third mandate, and then Gaiba for the second of Nicola Zanca: at the time of recording the turnout at 12pm they were respectively at 44.24% and 46.95%. For the other four municipalities the news arrived mid-afternoon, with the situation at 7pm showing Pincara with Giustiliano Bellini at 47.65%, Ceneselli with Angela Gazzi at 54.85%, Loreo with Moreno Gasparini at 56.38% and Frassinelle with the very young Marco Rossi at 54.03%. For the other 26 municipalities everything is postponed until today at 2pm, when the counting will begin, with the polling workers given a rest after the night time for the European elections. Citing the vote for the European Parliament, the first instant polls at the close of the polls showed the Brothers of Italy essentially holding their ground compared to the result of the 2022 Chamber, with just over 26 percent, and the Democratic Party following closely behind the 23 percent, up from 19 percent two years ago.


Faced with these first hypotheses of results, the provincial president of Brothers of Italy Valeria Mantovan, who was also a candidate in her party (but we will only know how it went this morning), says she is satisfied. «It is the confirmation, the demonstration of the good work of the Government that the Italians have received. Furthermore, I am not surprised by the lack of success of the 5 Star Movement (down by around three points, to 12 percent, ed.) because they ran an electoral campaign without content, of denigration and “against”. The Democratic Party has increased consensus, how do you evaluate it? «These are the votes lost by the 5 Star Movement, they circulate among themselves, in fact Lega and Forza Italia have remained at the same levels». On the Democratic Party front, the provincial secretary takes a quick look at the projections Angelo Zanellato. «We already had signals of figures at this level. And the Northeast constituency is the one that was given among the best results and it seems to be confirmed. This gives us hope as Venetians and Polesans, hoping to contribute to slowing down the right-wing drift in Europe and then that there will be the election of Alessandro Zan, which would then bring our Nadia Romeo to the Chamber, so as to have a voice Polesana in Montecitorio”.


The data is decreasing in almost all 50 Polesine municipalities for the European elections and also in the 32 voting for the municipal elections. At the time of going to press, after midnight, the numbers are not definitive because those of Rovigo and Occhiobello were missing for the European Championships, but they cannot change much. The overall figure for the province indicated 50.28%, while five years ago it was 61.82. As regards the municipal ones, in the absence of Rovigo and Occhiobello (which at 7pm showed 51% and 54.55% respectively), the provincial total of the municipalities at renewal stood at 61.25% compared to 67.98 a decade ago does.


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