Italy 24 Press News

The SterilizzaTour lands in Sicily. Objective to prevent stray animals

He arrives in Sicily SterilizeTour 2024 by Lavorganized to support people and families with social fragility and to activate measures focused on preventing stray animals with sterilization, microchipping and free veterinary visits.

The stages in Sicily

After the Bari stop in Puglia, Work arrives at Catania, in the Librino district, from 11 to 13 June, in Ribera (Ag) on ​​15 June and in Sciacca (Ag) on ​​16 June.

In the three cities, a note informs, the association will set up a field veterinary hospital where, inside two ambulances, sterilizations of cats will be carried out, with a pre- and post-operative reception area set up inside the field tent of the Lav Emergency Unit, and in a dedicated area, visits and microchipping of cats will be carried out dogs.

Lav volunteers in a recent stage of the SterilizzaTour

«For several years we have been active throughout Italy with projects aimed at spreading a culture of responsible, aware and peaceful coexistence with family animals, with particular attention to the prevention of stray dogs and felines in the southern regions», he declares Alessandra Ferrarimanager of the Family Animals Area.

Focus on the pets of disadvantaged families

Who continues: «This year our usual tour dedicated to Free microchipping of dogs and cats has a further and specific focus on the sterilization of animals living in families in conditions of economic hardship and social fragility. Their animals, which usually move between the home and outside, reproduce, generating litters that are often abandoned: here comes Lav.”

The initiative

In particular, Ferrari continues: «Cats will be sterilized free of charge in our veterinary ambulances in the stages of the SterilizzaTour, while We always guarantee sterilizations for dogs free of charge but in veterinary clinics affiliated with Lav. The objective is to encourage the diffusion, especially in the peripheral areas of cities and in small municipalities, of the culture of identification and care of family animals and the containment of births which often generate abandonments and entrances into kennels”.

For information, booking sterilization, microchipping and veterinary visits contact:

  • Librino (Catania) 11, 12 and 13 June: contact Lav Catania – 349 6184467
  • Ribera (Agrigento) 15 June: contact Lav Sciacca – 348 3988601
  • Sciacca (Agrigento) 16 June: contact Lav Sciacca – 348 3988601

All photos are from the press office

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