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2024 municipal elections in Bergamo and its province, the results and the elected mayors

Bergamo, 10 June 2024 – Waiting in Bergamo and its province for the counting of the administrative electionswhich will start at 2pm, after the citizens voted on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June to elect the new mayor, as well as for the European elections.

At 11pm on Sunday, the first exit poll on the capital: Elena Carnevali could make it to the first round with a percentage between 53 and 57%. Andrea Pezzotta distant (39-43%), crumbs for Apicella (3-5%).

I am 164 Municipalities who will choose their first citizen, including the capital and four other areas with over 15 thousand inhabitants: Albinus, Dalmine, Romanus of Lombardy and Seriate. In addition to dozens of medium-sized, small (120 under five thousand inhabitants) or very small municipalities: the most ‘micro’ of the towns that will be called to the polls is Cassiglio, with 111 residents.

Several municipalities arrive at the vote without a mayor: to Ambivere, Pagazzano and Comun Nuovo the mayor resigned and was replaced by the prefectural commissioner. Then there they are Lenna, Scanzorosciate and Honor, whose mayors were elected to the Regional Council and in recent months the Municipality has been governed by their deputies. In 35 countries the mayor will no longer be able to run again because at the end of the second mandate, but based on the new rules that link re-elections and the number of inhabitants, 14 mayors are aiming for a third mandate and 17 even a fourth.

In municipalities with more than 15 thousand inhabitants, if no candidate in the first round obtains an absolute majority, we will proceed to a runoff between the two aspiring mayors with the most votes. The possible second round will be held on Sunday 23 June from 7 am to 11 pm, and on Monday 24 June from 7 am to 3 pm. At 11 pm on Saturday, the time of the first turnout survey, the 19.43% of those entitled in the province. On Sunday at 12, however, turnout was 34.16%. The figure reached 53.93% at 7pm and then settled at 62.63%.

After two consecutive terms, the mayor Giorgio Gori is running for a seat in the Strasbourg parliament. Three candidates competed for his seat.

The candidate of Democratic Party dfter Giorgio Gori, also supported by Verdi, the Italian Left + Europe and the PSI, is Elena Carnevali, 59 years old. Already councilor for social policies of the council formed by the mayor Roberto Bruni from 2004 to 2009, from 2013 to 2022 Elena Carnevali was elected to Parliament as a deputy of the Democratic Party.

The candidate presented by the centre-right (and therefore supported by Fratelli d’Italia, Lega, Forza Italia and Noi Moderati) is instead thelawyer Andrea Pezzotta, 67 years old. Lawyer for the parents of Yara Gambirasio, the thirteen-year-old who was killed in 2011 in Brembate di Sopra, he was councilor for urban planning in the municipality of Bergamo from 2009 to 2014.

For the Vittorio Apicella is present in the 5 Star Movement: 60 years. Professor of Psychology at the Mariagrazia Mamoli Institute, he was a municipal councilor from 1988 to 1995 in the Municipality of Campagna (Salerno), where he was also councilor for budget, finance and economic planning.

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2024 municipal elections in Bergamo, the first exit poll: Carnevali (centre-left) towards victory in the first round

In the province of Bergamo there are records and returns: FAbrizio Sala will lead Telgate for the third time, Luciano Trapletti he is in his fourth term in Berzo San Fermo. He returns (for the fourth time) in the role of mayor of Pagazzano Raffaele Moriggi.

Three candidates for the mayor’s seat in Albino. The first is the Northern League member Daniele Esposito, 34 years old, lawyer, outgoing deputy mayor (Lega, FI and Noi Albino civic). He challenges him for the centre-left Paola Benigni (Benigni mayor, In Albino and Futuro in Comune). In the end, Fabio Gualandris, 63 years old (Common people), well known for his activity in musical circles.

In Dalmine, the outgoing Northern League mayor Francesco Bramani, 45 years old, lawyer, is supported by Lega, FdI, FI and civica In Dalmine. The leader of the Democratic Party challenged him Renato Mora, 57 years old. He is active in associations, in the world of representation, manages the historic service station on the state road and is provincial president of Ascom Bergamo of Figisc Confcommercio.

Four candidates and eight lists in Romano di Lombardia. The center-right nominates the former president of the Province Gianfranco Gafforelli (supported by FdI, Lega and Forza Italia with a civic). But some members of FdI created the Centre-Right list for Romano which supports the former Northern League deputy mayor Mario Suardi (together with his civic La città nelle tue mani and Civici per Romano). The centre-left of the outgoing administration is a candidate Paola Suardi, 45 years old, former city councilor and active in social issues: supporting her are the civic body that bears her name and the Democratic Party. To her left is Luca Maria Valcarenghi, from Alleanza Verdi Sinistra, 45 years old, marketing consultant.

In Seriate battle for the centre-right, which ultimately saw Fratelli d’Italia and its candidate, the outgoing deputy mayor, prevail Gabriele Cortesi, 53 years old. He is supported by FdI, Lega, by his civic body and by Seriate al Centro (which brings together Forza Italia and two other civic bodies). The challenger is Anna Piras, 62 years old, teacher, former opposition municipal councilor between 2014 and 2019, supported by the local Democratic Party club and by the Seriate civic bodies Bene Comune and Sinistra per un’altro Seriate.

Voting too another 159 municipalities in the Bergamo area. Adrara San Martino, Algua, Almenno San Bartolomeo, Almenno San Salvatore, Ambivere, Antegnate, Arcene, Azzano San Paolo, Azzone, Bagnatica, Barbata, Bariano, Barzana, Berbenno, Berzo San Fermo, Bianzano, Bolgare, Boltiere, Bonate Sopra, Bonate Sotto, Bossico, Bracca, Branzi, Brembate, Brignano Gera d’Adda, Brumano, Brusaporto, Calcio, Camerata Cornello, Canonica d’Adda, Capizzone, Caprino Bergamasco, Caprino Bergamasco, Carvico, Casazza, Casirate d’Adda, Cassiglio, Castel Rozzone, Castelli Calepio, Castro, Cavernago, Cazzano Sant’Andrea, Cenate Sopra, Dine Sotto, Cerete, Chignolo d’Isola, Ciserano, Colzate, Comun Nuovo, Corna Imagna, Cortenuova, Costa di Mezzate, Costa Serina, Covo, Credaro, Cusio, Dossena, Endine Gaiano, Entratico, Fara Gera d’Adda, Fara Olivana with Sola, Fino del Monte, Fiorano al Serio, Fontanella, Fonteno, Foppolo, Gandellino, Gandosso, Gaverina Terme, Ghisalba, Gorlago, Gorle, Grassobbio, Grone , Grumello del Monte, Fondra Island, Isso, Lallio, Lenna, Levate, Lovere, Lurano, Lurano, Luzzana, Madone, Martinengo, Misano di Gera d’Adda, Moio de’ Calvi, Monasterolo del Castello, Montello, Morengo, Mornico al Serio, Mozzanica, Olmo al Brembo, Onore, Orio al Serio, Ornica, Osio Sopra, Osio Sotto, Pagazzano, Parre, Pedrengo, Peia, Piario, Piazza Brembana, Piazzatorre, Pognano, Ponte Nossa, Ponteranica, Pontida, Pontirolo Nuovo, Pradalunga, Premolo, Presezzo, Ranica, Ranzanico, Riva di Solto, Rogno, Roncobello, Roncola, Rota d’Imagna, Rovetta, Sant’Omobono Terme, Santa Brigida, Sarnico, Scanzorosciate, Schilpario, Sedrina, Selvino, Songavazzo, Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII, Spinone al Lago, Spirano, Stezzano, Suisio, Taleggio, Tavernola Bergamasca, Telgate, Terno d’Isola, Torre Boldone, Torre de’ Busi, Torre de’ Roveri, Trescore Balneario, Treviolo, Ubiale Clanezzo, Val Brembilla, Valbondione , Valbrembo, Valgoglio, Valtorta, Vedeseta, Verdello, Vertova, Viadanica, Vigano San Martino, Vigolo, Villa d’Almè, Villa di Serio, Zandobbio, Zanica and Zogno.

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