Italy 24 Press News

Caruso: “Forza Italia is the first party in Sicily, a great result”

June 10, 2024, 08:42

1 minute read

PALERMO – “With over 23% of the votes, Forza Italia is the first party in Sicily“, are the declarations of Marcello Carusocoordinator of Forza Italia in Sicily, who comments on the party’s result in the European elections.

“A given that it goes even beyond our predictionsbut which was in the air after an electoral campaign during which consensus was constantly perceptible, in all provinces and in all sectors, thanks above all to the generous and tireless work of the candidates, who worked tirelessly and without sparing yourself.”

“It’s them that goes first and foremost my thanks, as well as to the thousands of activists, militants and supporters who in recent months have dedicated time and passion to carrying forward Silvio Berlusconi’s liberal dream”.

“What we achieved today – added Caruso – is a result of great political significance at a regional level; a confirmation of the Sicilians’ appreciation for the work carried out by the regional government and by President Renato Schifani and an invitation to move forward on the path traced”.

“And it’s a result of national significance, which sees Sicily first region in terms of percentage of support for Forza Italia, well over double the national average, in the historical wake that has seen this region always give a great response of consensus and consensus.

“Both these aspects are an incentive to move forward, to continue the work done – concluded Caruso commenting on the data from the European elections -, to give answers to the Sicilians and to ensure that our requests and ideas have the listening they deserve at every institutional level, in Palermo, as in Rome and Brussels ”.

Leggi tutte le news sulle elezioni europee

Published on

June 10, 2024, 08:42

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