Italy 24 Press News

the post-Gori city still rewards the Democratic Party

If this afternoon’s vote (Monday 10 June) confirms the Rai exit poll, Bergamo’s next five years will be in continuity with the decade of Giorgio Gori. Elena Carnevali, candidate for mayor of the centre-left, according to data from the Opinio Consortium she has a clear advantage, her result would be between 53 and 57%While Andrea Pezzotta, center-right, would stop around at 41% (between 39 and 43%). Very detached Vittorio Apicella (M5S) with a fork between 3 and 5%.

It would be a victory in the first round for the former PD deputy, who however does not go too far: «What am I saying? I say these are exit polls and I want to see the real numbers — he replies with a smiling voice on the phone —. It was a good election campaign and I await the results with great confidence.” Caution, but also a certain surprise, in the words of the centre-right candidate: «If so, it would be a disaster – says Pezzotta -. But I don’t want to comment, we’re waiting for the count.”

Bergamo is at a decisive turning point after two mandates of Gori. The former manager, candidate for the Democratic Party in the European elections in this round, leaves at the peak of popularity in the city. A consensus that could not be taken for granted could be transferred to the center-left coalition and the mayoral candidate: the polls commissioned by Carnevali herself in recent months gave her a slight advantage over her competitor. For the centre-left the objective is to defend one of Lombardy’s strongholds, a city that has overcome the Covid catastrophe and has made the most of its year as Capital of Culture, now focusing on a candidate who is very expert in welfare issues.

Pezzotta, who left the electoral campaign a few weeks later and with years less political experience (even though he had already been a councilor in the past and comes from a family of Christian Democratic administrators), he worked on traffic issuesat times out of control in the center of Bergamo, and safety. In recent weeks she gave the impression of being on a comeback: sensations far from the photograph of the exit polls.

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