Italy 24 Press News

Terni: Mascia Aniello resigns from the municipal council. «Verbally attacked by a councilor»

10 Jun 2024 08:16

Not even time to ‘study’ the outcome of the European and administrative vote in Umbria, that the first shock, more or less political, arrives in Terni. A shock that also smacks of stamped papers and complaints. The municipal councilor for the environment Mascia Aniello (Alternativa Popolare) leaves the Bandecchi council in open controversy with a (at this point former) council colleague. Below is the press release issued early Monday morning.

Mascia Aniello

«After the second brutal verbal attack which, punctually in the absence of the mayor, I suffered from a fellow councilor just for having firmly claimed the right to health for workers and citizens of Terni – states Mascia Aniello -, I believe the conditions no longer exist to move forward in the council, in Terni. I wanted to avoid exploitation thus far, postponing the necessary decision to irrevocably resign from the municipal executive until today, without ever having received an apology from the person concerned. I consider it very serious that a man, especially a public personality, perpetrates similar forms of violence to impose himself on a woman. These episodes are certainly part of the daily phenomena of ordinary macho madness that is still recorded in every environment, professional and otherwise.”

«Despite many battles – continues Aniello – equality remains a chimera: in this society, a woman, even with equivalent education, culture, experiences, still has to work three times harder just to affirm an idea, be listened to, be respected. Instead, a man, taking gender rights for granted and regardless of titles, perhaps thanks to violent tones, generally manages to prevail. I say no. I do not intend to pass over in silence and, therefore, to endorse these serious prevarications, because if, on the merits, certain dutiful battles for legality will now continue unabated on the judicial front, in the method it is necessary for our society to evolve, otherwise, even in the face of the most more innovative ideas, we will have no future.”

«Let me be clear – states the former councilor – that this is not a step backwards compared to the civic commitment undertaken up to now; it is rather a double step forward, both as a humble testimony for the emancipation of women, a challenge never truly won; both for the liberation of the city of Terni from an oppressive yoke, that of the enormous steel pollution, never sanctioned by the authorities”.

«To the many, too many women who, every day, suffer in resigned silence ignoble abuses, small and large, carrying within them, for their entire lives, scars that are as invisible as they are profound; and to the many, too many women who, like me, with a child in their womb suffer oppression, I want to remind you that we are infinitely greater than these little men who, without education, without shame, inaugurate red benches of hypocrisy, participate in conferences, go up in the chair, professing respect only in words. That respect which, on the other hand, should represent the minimum wage of every human relationship.”

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