Italy 24 Press News

collected half a million euros from the tourist tax

Salerno shines in spring. The attractiveness of recent months has contributed considerably to making the municipal coffers smile. In a capital invaded by groups of holidaymakers, the tourist tax becomes the thermometer of an exciting period in terms of tourist attraction. Even yesterday the city was invaded by people. Many foreign and northern Italian bathers showed up on the city beach from Santa Teresa to the eastern area. Except for some complaints about the dirty sea and the cleanliness of the beaches, there is however a first positive sign from the first Sunday with a typically summery climate and flavour. But the most interesting note is the take-off of receipts from the tourist tax which represents the mirror of tourism that becomes economy, work and prospects for the future.


A few numbers to photograph the trend of the tax deriving from the overnight stays and stays of tourists and holidaymakers. In the last months of 2024 the Municipality of Salerno recorded a record collection of the tourist tax. According to the State Accounting Office, via the Siope portal, it amounts to 515,766.94 euros, therefore exceeding the threshold of half a million euros. And all this on the eve of the summer tourist season. The Municipality of Salerno, according to the State Accounting Office, collected 103 thousand euros per month from January to May. But Siope’s analysis does not stop here. If we take a general overview of the collections of the last year and a half, it is clear that in 17 months the Municipality of Salerno has collected a good 1,785,278.94 euros from the tourist tax deriving from the arrivals and overnight stays of tourists recorded between January 2023 and May 2024. A real record. The collections almost doubled compared to 2022, when 833,224.65 euros were collected. In 2021 the collection – according to i Siope report – was negligible, just 84,709.16 euros, this was because the weight of the blockade on national and international tourist circulation due to the pandemic was recorded. In 2020 the tourist tax collections did not exceed 433,037.65 euros. From 2019 to 2017, therefore before the pandemic, the tourist tax collections never reached the amount of this year’s treasury. In 2019 the tax deriving from tourist stays in the capital amounted to 812,916.40 euros; in 2018 the collection was 1,014,439 euros, therefore a good increase, but still lower than the “loot” of the 17 months between 2023 and 2024.


“Exciting” results from the collection of the second tourist tax the tourism councilor Alessandro Ferrara. «We have doubled our revenues in an exceptional way – he declares – Doing tourism means bringing the economy and jobs, we must believe in it more and more and we must all work together to always do quality work, bringing a lot of added value to our city». Obviously the balance of this year’s takings does not take into account the flows of tourists who will arrive in the coming weeks, when the city will see an inevitable increase in arrivals.

In Salerno for overnight stays in 4 and 5 star hotels the tourist tax is equal to 4 euros per day per person in the period from 1 October 2024 to 31 January 2025; 3 euros are spent per day per person in the remaining period of the year: the tax is applied up to a maximum of 7 consecutive nights. According to what emerges from the resolution, for overnight stays in farmhouses, in hotel tourist residences and in 1, 2 and 3 star hotels, the tourist tax is equal to 3 euros per day per person in the period from 1 October 2024 to 31 January 2025, while it is 2 euros per day per person in the remaining period of the year. For overnight stays in open-air accommodation facilities (campsites and areas equipped for temporary parking), as well as, in bed and breakfasts, holiday homes and apartments, guest houses, holiday homes, the tourist tax is equal to 1 .50 euros per day per person in the period from 1 October 2024 to 31 January 2025.


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