Italy 24 Press News

PROVINCES – Municipal elections, the first mayors “in pectore” from the quorum

There are a total of 46 Bergamo municipalities in which only one list is running, and on Sunday morning and early afternoon the 40% quorum had already been exceeded in several towns, from Cavernago to Vedeseta: here are the first “virtually” elected mayors.

This morning, Sunday 9 June, several municipalities in which only one list was presented reached and exceeded the 40% quorum necessary for the election of the mayor, although we will have to wait for the count on Monday 10 June to be certain (the candidates must have obtained at least 50% of the valid votes).

Here, then, are the new or confirmed mayors

To Algua (at midday turnout at 42.2%) Luigi Marconi,

to Bianzano (at midday turnout at 46.79%) Nerella Zenoni,

to Bracca (44.08%) Giacomo Gentili,

to Brumano (41.58%) Giovanni Manzoni,

to Cassiglio (44.83%) Fabio Bordogna,

to Fonteno (the quorum was set at 185, 198 voters voted shortly after midday, thus exceeding 40%) Fabio Donda,

Fondra Island (41.10%) Carletto Forchini,

to Lenna (43.39%) Remo Calegari,

Mornico al Serio (44.91) Eugenio Cerea,

to Piazzatorre (41.85%) Valeriano Bianchi,

Vedeseta (50.85%) Luca Locatelli

to CavernagoGiuseppe Togni.

to At least San BartolomeoAlessandro Frigeni was elected.


Zone is the first municipality of the 144 Brescians voting to have already chosen its mayor: Antonio Zatti, the only candidate

Even in Gianico the verdict is potentially already written: the outgoing Mirco Pendoli can consider the tricolor band his for another five years


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