Italy 24 Press News

Nocelli: “I’m going through hell. Ancona was my family and home, a city betrayed”

After the letter sent by Mauro Canil to explain his reasons, too Roberta Nocelli he entrusts his thoughts to a letter sent to the press. The CEO ofAncona – as reported by – reviewed the last few weeks, which led the Doric club to not respect the deadlines relating to salary payments: “In these three years here in Ancona, I have always worked for the good of the club and with the utmost respect towards the members, towards every single member and employee and towards every single fan. This season has been blood and tears from a sporting point of view, ending in joy for the salvation achieved on the pitch Lucchese; I had achieved the most important objective but I was not satisfied with all the other aspects: internal relationships, roles but not because I thought I would not respect the federal deadline. The President was only with us on that day and then left again. the following day I agreed with him on my trip to Hong Kong, I certainly went to negotiate the sale of the Ancona, which had been denied several times to me personally and also through official press releases, in fact Tiong reported having received offers there. and of not having taken them into consideration, I think I also said this on the radio in a recent speech of mine. In Hong Kong, in light of the events of the entire season, I presented my resignation to the President and councilor Postacchini, putting Tony Tiong in the position of choosing an administrator and a general manager of his trust. I didn’t ask for severance pay; I only asked him to identify the people he deemed appropriate; I made it clear to him that I could collaborate or leave without any problem, underlining that I did not have an expiring contract. The President told me he needed me and didn’t want another administrator, so I made specific requests regarding financial, sporting and organizational management. We talked about the sums needed for the deadlines, the suppliers to pay. He told me that the necessary amount was important, certainly in July 2023 I had provided precise indications on the financial needs and the budget based on the investments provided to me in turn by the president and on the agreements made at the company meeting that had taken place held at Lake Como in the presence of the members and the Board of Directors in May 2023, so there was no surprise. In order of urgency, we would have issued the guarantee and the tax and salary deadlines for June 4th. He also added that given the very tight deadlines, the secretary and I would have to work hard, which we did every day. In the following weeks I requested payment of the sums for the guarantee several times, which in fact was then issued and which I personally delivered to the League (even in advance of the deadline), in addition to all the documentation already deposited in Lega Pro, at least a week before, thus completing the registration process for the championship, while waiting for the last funds to arrive to meet the payments due. More funds arrived on Friday 1 June and the President had reassured that other funds would arrive on Monday 3 June. On Monday 3 June, the funds that were supposed to arrive from the President had not arrived in the account and therefore I began to request them again through an email to the board of directors and keeping the members informed. On Tuesday morning at 3.00, the President reiterated to me and the other councilor Postacchini about the possibility of an investor and that the funds would arrive from Italy otherwise there would not be enough time for the transfer, asking me the closing time of the banks. Throughout the day there were also phone calls with other trusted interlocutors of his, until then unknown to me, to monitor the situation. During the lunch break, convinced of the goodness of the events, I rushed to Matelica to leave the bank transfer slips to be made instantly, since after 1pm the transfers arranged by the portal would have taken effect on 5 June. The funds never arrived. The hours passed and the desperation multiplied. We had organized a meeting with the youth sector coaches with Mr. Boscaglia, but unfortunately the circumstance forced us to talk about something else. At 10pm I was contacted by a person, who in turn allowed me to interact with an entrepreneur willing to invest in US Ancona, I received the bank transfer account which is also deposited in COVISOC and I hoped with all my being that I could perform a miracle. I never said that I sent the transfers to the players at 11.59pm and above all there was never an order from the police station to show any palliative to calm the fans. The following morning, together with other people, we tried to understand if everything had been successful, but the operation was not successful. These are the facts and the consequence is that Ancona will not participate in the next Serie C championship.”

Nocelli explains her position: “I didn’t feel like leaving everything, abandoning people in such a delicate moment. Someone, with the benefit of hindsight and without living the moment, knowing the people and the internal dynamics, says that I should have, at least a week before the deadline, resigned and talked about the fact that the funds for salaries and F24 were missing, but at that moment I was doing the guarantee and the funds were arriving. There were many thoughts. If I stayed, first of all because I was convinced that the funds would arrive (for all the reasons I explained before); furthermore, I feared that with my resignation and subsequent declarations I would put in difficulty a person who has already invested around 7 million euros in this company, with the risk that he would then no longer even want to pay the sum necessary for the guarantee; if I had behaved like this, at that point an amount would have been unacceptable for any person, including the other partner who had already given his availability. Serious people don’t put money into a company without knowing the financial situation and this aspect involves important times, now I have proof of this. It wasn’t just my trust that was betrayed, a city was betrayed.”

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