Italy 24 Press News

Gotti: “A great surprise was the warmth shown to me. There may be the conditions for a virtuous path” • SalentoSport

Waiting for likely formalization of the task of leading the Us Lecce also in next seasonMister Luca Gotti spoke to the microphones of Sports Radio.

“The professional aspect that binds you daily to the work on the field and to the objective to be achieved, week after week, is to achieve points to get to salvation. The big surprise, however, is the type of welcome that was given to methe type of heat and of affection that all the people I have met in these three months in Salento have felt free to reserve for me. These are not obvious steps, in football we often face complicated and difficult situations also from a territorial point of view and instead my experience was characterized by great affection, warmth and joy. It seems that there are the conditions to follow a virtuous path, even if it is the field that speaks. In managing the path of clubs struggling for survival, you often find yourself in moments complicatedto navigate difficult waters: I hope that these assumptions do not fail in the first difficulties that will necessarily arise. Krstovic? A good player, a true center forward who manages to be effective in the penalty area and in the last twenty metres, he feels the goal a lot but still has a sense of the game and links him with his teammates. He can play safely from either Beforeboth from second tip. He knows and understands football, he experienced his first high-level championship ever and it seems to me he has good room for growth. has the plasticity of to adapt to different situations with relative ease.”


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