Italy 24 Press News

Thieves in the house in via dei Mille in Bologna, student locked in the room

Bologna, 9 June 2024 – While the student he was in his room studying, the thieves would have locked him in his room to clean the apartment, taking away an iPad and a laptop. There are aspects to be clarified in the theft carried out on Friday afternoon in an apartment inhabited by university students in Via dei Mille. Here, according to the complaint made to the police by one of the tenants, a French boy, unknown persons entered by forcing the front door with a crowbar, and then took away what can be found in students’ homes: computer media, a few cables, little more.

That which however, in one cities like Bologna targeted by house mice, What makes a sadly banal theft an interesting case is the dynamics of the theft, reconstructed by the victim to the Volanti officers who intervened in Via dei Mille. In fact, according to what the boy said, only one of his roommates was in the house at the time of the theft. And the student was in his room, with the door ajar and the key in the external lock. The boy would have told his friend (the material victim of the theft, given that the PC and iPad belonged to him) that he had heard some noises, but that he had not given them any thought, thinking that they were the other roommates who had returned earlier. And he wouldn’t have formalized himself even after being locked in the room from outside, thinking it was a joke on the part of his housemates. The university student then told the French student – who in turn reported it to the police – that he only found out about the ‘unexpected visit’ once he was freed from his real roommates.

A story on which the police are now carrying out investigations: to reconstruct exactly what happened in Via dei Mille, all the inhabitants of the house will have to be interviewed, to clarify the methods of this anomalous furtive raid, which if it occurred in the terms described by the victim to the officers, it would raise the bar of audacity of the Bolognese thieves. It is not excluded, considering the area in which the incident occurred, that the perpetrator could be one of the ‘usual suspects’ who gravitate around the Piazza dei Martiri area.

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