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Attempted murder at the quarry in Ravenna, Bulgarian protector in prison. The motive? Transversal revenge

Ravenna, 9 June 2024 – He was looking two other girls who do the same job as her along the Adriatic but he found her. And then he began to shoot her: first from her car and then he got out as an execution: in total he shot her six times, to kill her. “Why are you shooting at me?”, the young woman who had recognized him asked her in the meantime. And then from the seat behind her a woman had shouted in Bulgarian: “Go, go, finish it!”. He had not succeeded only by pure chance: “The shots are over!”, He had exclaimed with disappointment before disappearing on the BMW 5 series in which he had arrived.

It’s over in the arms of the carabinieri the escape of the man suspected of having tried to kill a Bulgarian prostitute – a 29-year-old domiciled in a residence in Cesenatico – shortly before 7pm on May 19th, a Sunday, on the road that leads to the Manzona Vecchia quarry, between Savio and Fosso Ghiaia. He is a 32-year-old Bulgarian domiciled in Viserba, in the Rimini area. The man faces charges of attempted murder aggravated by premeditation as well as illegal possession of a pistol.

“He contacted me because he was a fugitive – explained his lawyer, the Cesena lawyer Riccardo Luzi -. And he agreed with the advice I gave him: to turn himself in”. At that point “I represented this opportunity to the prosecutor: he returned and turned himself in directly to the carabinieri last Thursday.” The preliminary hearing was set for Tuesday: “The purpose is to collaborate and clarify one’s position. He was abroad: he will explain exactly where and why”. The lawyer, in compliance with the confidentiality of the investigation, also explained that he acted as an intermediary by remaining in telephone contact with the 31-year-old and with the investigators: “He gradually indicated the places where he was to demonstrate that he was in fact returning.”

The Carabinieri of the Ravenna Investigation Unit, with the collaboration of colleagues from the Cervia – Milano Marittima Company and coordinated by the Ravenna prosecutor’s office (prosecutors Daniele Barberini and Francesca Buganè Pedretti), they probably knew for some time where the suspect was. They were certainly on the ball, as they say in journalistic jargon, given that a precautionary custody order in prison was already ready for the 31-year-old, written by investigating judge Janos Barlotti on the basis of the elements collected.

And she’s not the only one restrictive measure taken for the failure to murder the 29-year-old: because even the ex-wife of the 31-year-old – also a compatriot from Viserba – Since last Tuesday he has been under residence obligation and ban on going out in the evening on the grounds of personal aiding and abetting. The preliminary hearing for her too has been set for Tuesday. The woman, defended by the Rimini lawyer Massimiliano Orrù, was initially stopped by the police on suspicion of complicity in attempted murder: that is, it was thought that she could be the woman with griffin eyes and a hostile voice sitting in the BMW of the ‘assailant. But the 29-year-old had not seen her face even though he was thinking of her since he knew her from having been married in the past to one of her uncles. In any case, the suspect’s version – especially regarding an alibi (at the time of the shooting she was with various people including, secondly, also her new Italian partner), must have appeared convincing so much so that the judge had excluded the circumstantial gravity for the competition. But his declarations on the last meeting with his ex-partner (which in his opinion took place a few weeks before the shooting) have so far been denied (it seems that the last meeting took place a few hours before the events), thus triggering the hypothesis of aiding and abetting.

Let’s go back then to that May 19th. The 29-year-old was sitting on a plastic chair waiting for customers on the lay-by at the entrance to the quarry. Suddenly a man arrived in a car, rolled down his window and fired four times. “I’ll kill you all,” he exclaimed. She, instinctively, had put a hand on her face even though she – she would later say in hospital – “thought it was a gas gun”. Then, addressing his attacker by name, had asked him: “Why are you shooting at me?”. At that point she realized that she was bleeding from her arms: that is, her gun was real and potentially lethal. Meanwhile, from the seat behind her she had heard the voice of that woman who she thought she recognized. She spoke in Bulgarian: “Go, finish it!”.

Now he had understood: his life was about to mark the time for inevitable petty events. She jumped up from her chair and received even more blows. At this point the action had transformed into the plot of a horror film: “I turned and started running towards the center of the road. He got out and came after me, continuing to shoot.” Until “I heard her screaming in angry Bulgarian because he had run out of shots.” The other woman had never gotten out of the car. The man, shortly before leaving, had promised that he would go to settle accounts with two other girls, mentioning his name and his usual position along the main road.

Finally the epilogue. The 29-year-old, with an open fracture of her humerus and various wounds to her chest and arms, had asked for help from a passing ambulance. She was then taken to Bufalini and operated on.

Still needed a piece to tell you in full this chronicle of a failed crime: the motive. A mixture of resentments that have never subsided and new tensions that have grown on the Adriatic axis in the continuous struggle to grab a corner of the pitch. Women treated in an abject world like gooses that lay golden eggs: to be squeezed, exploited and silenced when necessary. According to the investigators, he was looking for two other rebellious girls: and, not finding them, he took it out on their 29-year-old friend and roommate. “She shot out of some sort of revenge against me and my friend who no longer prostitutes herself for him”, the young woman reported before adding that she herself had accompanied her to file a complaint for exploitation of prostitution. Here: this would have been enough to die.

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